Munir - FC Barcelona

Neymar Is drop by sanction

Munir The Haddadi aims to be the spare of Neymar in front of the Eibar in Ipurúa

Published:5/03/2016 - 23:11h

Updated:6/03/2016 - 14:27h

Munir The Haddadi could go back to have a new opportunity in front of the Eibar to show his cost. The Madrilenian has all the numbers to be the elected by Luis Enrique to occupy the forward of the FC Barcelona together with Suárez and Messi because of the sanction of Neymar Júnior

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After almost a month, seems that the Madrilenian forward of the FC Barcelona Munir the Haddadi will go back to enjoy of minutes in the Barcelona attack. His last meeting played was in front of Valencia, in the turn of the semifinals of Glass of the King where contested the ninety minutes. Now, and in front of the drop forzosa of Neymar Júnior because of his sanction by accumulation of parties, the attacker of twenty years has all the ballots to go out to title in front of the Eibar.

And it will do it after being almost during all a month "impoluto". Munir Has not gone back to play neither an alone minute since it took split in all the meeting in front of Valencia FC; in the turn of the semifinals of the Glass of the King that the Barcelona already had sentenced, after the victory by seven to zero in the gone. The party finish with one to one in the luminous after the goal of Kaptoum. But in spite of not marking, Munir went back to evidenciar some mejoría in his football as already it had been able to see in previous parties.

The attacker already had achieved mark two so many in the turn of eighth of the same tournament of the KO in front of the RCD Espanyol. Afterwards, the forward would go back to mark in front of the Athletic of Bilbao in the party of gone and in front of the Málaga, in League BBVA. Precisely source to the Andalusians was the last party in which it did not participate Neymar and the one who Munir played in the domestic championship.

His goal in The Rosaleda helped to his to add other three points, with the one to two final. At present, Munir is the maximum chamber goleador together with Ivan Rakitic of the team culé. Both have achieved to date six goals. The seventeen Barcelona, in addition to the four so many mentioned, also signed other two in front of the Villanovense, those that went his first goals of the season.

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