Barça players celebrating the victory in Anoeta (0-1)


Reasons to continue trusting in Xavi's Barça despite the bad image in Donosti

Published:5/11/2023 - 08:39h

Updated:5/11/2023 - 13:54h

FC Barcelona saved three golden points in a very complicated visit to Donosti that, although it showed many shortcomings in the culé game, does not take away reasons to believe in the culé 23/24 version. It is played badly, but the team finds a way to win

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The visit of the FC Barcelona went back to evidenciar two very marked facets of the ones of Xavi Hernández in the beginning of the 2023/24. On the one hand, the fault of ideas and of a plan B successful when the team is unable to take the control of the half of the field. By another, the pride and self-esteem to resist in a very complicated field and the character to finish resolving on the end a crash that painted for a hard defeat.

In this sense, the stops of Ter Stegen and the faith of Ronald Araújo to go of líbero to the rival area in the last played of the party give reasons for the constructive criticism, yes, but also to renew the confidence in a team that has been able to follow litigating the leadership in spite of the drops. The season hardly begins and only four points separate to the ones of Xavi of the surprising leader, the Girona. Besides, the staff goes leaving backwards the plague of injuries and this, sín doubt, will hit positively in the exert of the team. These are the main reasons to believe in the mejoría of the Barça.

The imminent return of the pair Frenkie-Pedri

For the group blaugrana, so much Pedri like Frenkie of Jong are irreemplazables for the time being. The Canarian reappeared in front of the Real leaving destellos of his quality, as well as of his leadership to light the way when worse paints the thing. The '8' gave a hand in the mark from his entry and, on the end, promoted the reaction culé with a pass filtered that Gavi very could turn into the so much of the triumph.

To his time, with Pedri in the field, Gündogan feels much more comfortable, finding spaces and a constant support in his ideal partner. No in vain, the German could assist to Araújo in the last played of the party, his only contribution in 90 minutes in which it saw surpassed and very exhausted. On the other hand, with the return of Frenkie, the team will have more balance and recovery, since the Dutch is key to organise to the team in exit.

Lewandowski Has to go out of his bad series

Another fundamental appearance so that the Barça recover the forcefulness is the have Robert Lewandowski enchufado. To the Pole has cost him recover the rhythm after his last injury in the ankle, with which complete his worst beginning of season from 2014. However, the '9' has the experience and sufficient hierarchy to go out of the bad series. It is only question to add the necessary shooting and 'wet' to recover the smell, something that already experienced in the start suspender belt.

To 'Lewy' closed him the arch in the two first days, but after his first so much in front of the Villarreal completed four consecutive days marking, with 5 goals that helped to the Barça to add the plenary of points in this stretch. The past season were 33 goals and 8 assistances in 46 parties for the one of Warsaw. In the 23724 still there is sufficient margin to equalise and improve these numbers.

The staff, to death with Xavi

Another appearance that generates tranquility in the surroundings culé is the commitment of the staff with Xavi Hernández. In spite of the drops, the team follows to death with the egarense and has showed it in several grey nights this season. This Barça knew to suffer in Pamplona, Port wine and Anoeta without losing the composure to take out valuable points. "We knew that they went to jump man to man, but has cost. The football treats to put, have had more occasions in the last 10 minutes that in all the party", said Araújo after the victory in front of the Real. Look for and put to the end. Like this they win parties that cost leagues.

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