After the pitido initial that give beginning to the Athletic -FC Barcelona will be the players those that decide the meeting, although one of the battles will rid in the benches. In this part with advantage the Cholo Simeone, that in his particular clashes against the teams of Ernesto Valverde never has lost.

Until eleven times have crossed the Argentinian and the extremeño, and this last has not been able to sing victory. Eight defeats and three ties are his results in front of the preparador rojiblanco, to the that only started a point in three occasions: Two with the Athletic and one with Valencia -in the first time that found .

Simeone Seems to have taken the measure to a Valverde to the that had given him well the Athletic, since it had surpassed it in five of his nine parties until the arrival of the of Buenos Aires. In Wanda Metropolitan the account will begin of zero, and the Txingurri will try to première with a triumph that could seal another historical record in the Barça, equalising the best start of the history of the club.

The Barça, challenge of Simeone

And precisely, if Simeone is a challenge for Valverde, the Barça also is it for the bonaerense, with which has found in 11 occasions in LaLiga... And it has not lost any. Curiously, the balance is the same, eight defeats and three ties, although in favour of the Argentinian plays that yes it has surpassed to the Barcelona to double party, in the two last times that crossed in Champions. Who will break his statistics?