The FC Barcelona is in luck in the World-wide of Russia, because has representatives in three of the four combined semifinalist. The last in classifying has been Ivan Rakitic, after a vibrant clash between the selections of Russia and Croatia. For the second time in two eliminatory, the arlequinados have had to resort to the batch of penaltis, and the one of Möhlin has gone back to be leading.

"We did not deserve to arrive until the penaltis think that could win the party before. We had worked very strong. The illusion for being in semis is impressive", commented to the term the meeting, rebosando emotion by all his pores. The midfield player has defined the result against the hostess and against Denmark annotating the so much definite, and has referred to the pride of the changing room in front of the support of all the country.

"We want that our people enjoy of this moment, will go to by more"

"It would love us have a World-wide to the year, in Croatia are like crazy. The support there home is incredible and want to follow", has aimed, before shelving some comparisons that can be dangerous. "We want to enjoy of this victory and not to put us more pressure with the 98. It is impressive what did but want to follow with our history. Suker Knows that for us were heroes. We want that our people enjoy of this moment. Now we will go to by more", has reflexionado, when they have asked after him the historical team that reached the penultimate round 20 years ago.

Finally, it has valued also the next crossing that expects him to the selection, that will confront to an England that also arrives with a lot of strength. "The most important is the group. The World-wide is the biggest that there is. We have to improve some detail. England know that it will be very strong", has warned, underlining that the dream is to be in the final. The glass is to 'only' two steps.

Rakitic Stands out in the launchings of penalti

It is a luck complicated but all stand out that it improves with work, and in the World-wide already has portrayed to stars like Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Ivan Rakitic has finished two victories of Croatia with the last maximum penalty of the batch, and has resurrected an anecdote that marked him does some years.

In an interview for 'Space Reserved' in 2014, when it was a member of the Seville, made a fun confession: "After failing a penalti in Vallecas my mother-in-law commanded me a photo with my dog from house and said me that the dog throws the penaltis better that I". The one who went him to say to the good of Ivan of what would be able afterwards.