Kyle Walker, assisted by doctors during the England-Brazil (0-1)


The 'flower' of Madrid? Kyle Walker is injured two weeks before the Champions League

Published:24/03/2024 - 08:04h

Updated:24/03/2024 - 08:04h

Luck seems to be allying itself, once again, with Real Madrid ahead of the Champions League quarter-final match against Manchester City. On Saturday, the defender of the 'sky blue' team, Kyle Walker, left injured with England against Brazil (0-1)

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The Manchester City can suffer a main drop in defence of face to the crossing of quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League in front of the Real Madrid. The Saturday, Kyle Walker only could play 20 minutes in the friendly between England and Brazil contested in Wembley (0-1). The right-handed side suffered a prick in the back of the right thigh when clearing a balloon that, previously, had saved on the line after a finish of Vinicius Jr.

The defender of 33 years controlled the leather without problems, since the finish of 'Vini' went without strength product of his definition aparatosa in the hand manually in front of the goalkeeper Pickford. Walker did not attain to hit of full the balloon in a clear that it finish striking the head of Harry Maguire and, second later, asked assistance of the medical body. Although the defender did the possible for continuing, in the minute 20 had to be replaced.

Walker, in risk for the gone of chambers in front of the Real Madrid

To fault of the proofs that confirm the scope of the injury, the presence of Kyle Walker in the gone of chambers of Champions in front of the Madrid is in risk. Even, the one of Sheffield could lose both parties of the crossing if it confirms some muscular break, which would be a key drop for a City that, besides, is playing the title of the Premier League and the FA Cup.

The '2' has played it practically everything in league with the ones of Pep Guardiola (only has rested in two of the 29 days contested) and already accumulates 3.276 minutes of action in 38 parties this season in all the competitions, adding 3 assistances. For England, the drop of his captain is almost a fact for the friendly of the Tuesday in front of Belgium, since the technician Gareth Southgate will not run unnecessary risks with any footballer before the Eurocopa.

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