It did weeks that did not speak mediáticamente of Gerard Hammered and the unfair deal that receives when enfunda the T-shirt of the Spanish selection, that that in theory will leave to dress when it finish the World-wide of Russia that will contest in the year 2018. The fans whistles every time that the central touches it, something that from a lot of sectors of the football does not understand .

Because in spite of the comments that the Barcelona can do in social networks or in mixed zones, doubt of the commitment of Hammered with the selection is useless. The figures do not deceive, the images leave clear that leaves the skin -sometimes, literally-. This Thursday has wanted to give his opinion one of the most important sportsmen of the history of Spain.

In the presentation of his campus, Pau Gasol has wanted to analyse this subject: "I see It from the distance, am not present here. It is a person that has a lot of personality, character, does not have fear to share his opinions. Always it has showed the commitment with the Spanish selection, has been a key piece and no can him reproach at all".

It defends that I Hammered it was a sincere type: "it Is respectable the value that has to share some personal opinions and assume the consequences. It is necessary to be tolerante with his opinions. So much the fans like Gerard are free to express and this is fortunately universal, or the normal. We accept it all".

Finally, it has concluded with a "I would not whistle him because have a level of tolerance elevated, but understand that there are people that do not agree".

Between his mates of selection, diversity

Cost to understand that there are players of the own Spanish selection that do not defend to ultranza to Hammered. But there are them. One of them was the white player Marco Asensio. "At the end the people is free to express what feels, is a subject that does not have to us distract and that sure that will remain in an anecdote", commented the madridista after the party of The Red in Murcia. 

A very distinct message to the that gave Asier Illarramendi: "Him dais quite a lot of turns, happened does time and if they give him turns follows the subject, if pitan to one pitan to all and influences. It is clear that these things do not affect him, but are negative things. He wants to be here. It is very committed". 

In any case, Hammered follows waking up interest mediáticamente, and this that at present finds on holiday, premièring new look and exchanging fun messages with Iker Boxes.