Situation complicated the one who has by in front the selection of Argentina, although it could solve of root winning to domicile to Ecuador in the next and last day of the eliminatory sudamericanas that give access to the World-wide of Russia 2018.

The albiceleste of Sampaoli went back to 'puncture', this time against Peru, with a tie in The Bombonera that prevented the direct classification for the group led by Leo Messi. In these moments Argentina occupies the sixth place in the classification that gives access to the World-wide 2018, with the same points that a selection of Peru that it is fifth and, therefore, has the square of repechage.

In this coyuntura, until five selections (Chile, Colombia, Peru, Argentina and Paraguay) aspire to three squares for the World-wide of Russia 2018, one of them - the fifth- of repechage, and that would involve to play the classification against a combined national of Oceania.

To continuation are the mathematical combinations so that the Argentinian of Leo Messi can access to the World-wide of Russia 2018, an appointment that has complicated him after the last bad results, but that continues being possible:

If Argentina WINS to Ecuador:

- Argentina ensures the repechage.
- Direct classification if there is tie between Peru and Colombia, or a defeat of Chile in his visit to Brazil.
- It keeps in the repechage if Chile wins to Brazil and Colombia wins to Peru.
- It keeps in the repechage if Peru wins by a similar or greater difference to the one of Argentina in Ecuador.

If Argentinian EMPATA against Ecuador:

- It classifies if Colombia wins to Peru, Chile loses by an equal or upper difference to two goals against Brazil and Paraguay does not win to Venezuela.
- It classifies for if Peru surpasses to Colombia by two or more goals, Chile loses by two or more goals in front of Brazil and Paraguay does not win to Venezuela.
- It will be in the repechage if Colombia wins to Peru and Paraguay empata against Venezuela.
- It will be in the repechage if Peru wins to Colombia by a goal of difference, Chile loses by two or more goals in front of Brazil and Paraguay does not win to Venezuela.
- It will be in the repechage if Colombia wins to Peru and Chile loses by two or more goals of difference in front of Brazil.
- It will be in the repechage if Peru empata with Colombia, Chile loses by two or more goals in front of Brazil and Paraguay does not win to Venezuela.
- It will be in the repechage if Peru surpasses to Colombia by two or more goals and Chile loses by the same difference in front of Brazil.

If Argentina LOSES in front of Ecuador:

- It will go to the repechage if Colombia surpasses by two or more goals to Peru and Paraguay does not win to Venezuela.