In this world of the football all can change very quickly and more voucher no escupir upwards, as it always tends to go back to the floor. Something like this can think many of these means that already buried to Burn Turan and to his Turkey after the two first day of the Eurocopa of France 2016. These same that after the exhibition of the crack of the Barça had to swallow his words and do as if they had not done at all.

The same that some fans otomana that changed his whistles and insults devoted to the interior blaugrana and proferidos in the previous meeting in front of Spain by the applauses and vítores of the meeting of this Tuesday. And it Burn it won it to him thanks to a much more participatory and effective football that the made in the first days of competition.

His position of mediapunta and guide of the game of his helped of good way in the so much tempranero of Burak Yilmaz and also in the one of the sentence, where went back crazy to the rival defence and that Ozan Tufan took advantage of to give life to the country euroasiático.

Without Çalhanoglu, Burn threw of experience and threw to the team to the backs when this more needed it. Always it appeared to take out a fault, a corner or contemporizar the ball not to give options to the Czechs. Finally, and after signing his first three points and leave with one to this Czech Republic, Turkey will have to expect to see that they do the rest of teams and expect to be one of the four better third.