Andrés Iniesta in a match of Vissel Kobe


Iniesta pronounces about a possible return to the FC Barcelona

Published:7/04/2020 - 12:26h

Updated:8/04/2020 - 17:13h

Andrés Iniesta is confined in Japan with his direct family, and in the last hours has conceded an interview in which they have asked him about the possibility to come back to the Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The ex captain of the FC Barcelona, Andrés Iniesta, has been interviewed in the program 'The Transistor' of Wave Zero and has spoken on how is affecting the coronavirus in Japan, as well as of other appearances related with his daily life. It calls the attention that in Albacete, the hometown of Iniesta, there is more affected by coronavirus that in all the Japanese country.

And it is that Japan is one of the countries that better has warned the possible effects of the coronavirus, and almost does not have contagions. "From here the news run and is very pending, besides to familiar level live it everything with anxiety and a lot of worry", signals Iniesta.

"My place now is to follow playing to the football"

In Kobe, where resides Andrés Iniesta beside his family, are doing normal life because of the ínfimo number of contagions. "Here the people does normal life, remain you stopped in the sense that you ask you what is happening". The one of Fuentealbilla thinks that also there are fewer contagions thanks to the Japanese culture, so much in the greetings as in the fact to carry mask of form normalised.

"Like society has good things and others no so good", signals Andrés Iniesta. And it leaves clear that "there do not go to the speed to which go in Spain", something that serves to the Japanese to be able to "adapt to everything". What more has hit him, as it says, is "the professionalism of the sanitary that are leaving the skin and with the solidarity of the people; I expect that this serve us to be better".

It will go back Andrés Iniesta to the FC Barcelona?

Finally, to Andrés Iniesta have asked him on the possibility to return to the FC Barcelona and has dribbled well, ensuring that to day of today finds well physically and motivated to continue playing to football some time more. For the moment, this yes, has valid agreement with the Vissel Kobe. "My place now is to follow playing to the football and probably this time of relax gives me to follow something more".

"Have agreement until the 2021 and this year am quite motivated, with win to go back to play and feel these moments with the balloon and the lawn", stands out the manchego. It seems complicated that it can return some day to the staff of the first team of the FC Barcelona. A future place in the sportive area of the club yes would be, a priori, something more feasible.

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