Arturo Vidal and Arthur Melo, in the bench of the FC Barcelona


Arturo Vidal and Arthur keep with the good life in Italy: They are of the best paid players

Published:13/10/2020 - 01:39h

Updated:13/10/2020 - 02:09h

Arturo Vidal and Arthur Melo left the Barcelona during the summer, but continue in the elite of the better paid footballers, this time in Italy

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the Camp Nou are conscious that, from does years, the index cards of the players are very high and were above the limit salarial that posed the UEFA in relation to the mass salarial and the budget of the club. It is thus that, further to generate gains, that also were necessary after the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19, the Barcelona posed give him gone out to players that did not have space in the new approach of the club, led by Ronald Koeman, and of this form reduce the costs by wages.

Although it is true that the main aim of the Barça was to rejuvenate his staff, also is true that it was necessary to lighten the high mass salarial that had during the previous course. The club attained to save around 80 million euros only in wages with the sale of players like Arthur Melo and Arturo Vidal, those who recalaron in teams of the Series To and keep in the lists of better players paid by his services.

In the case of Arturo Vidal, the one who arrived to the Inter in a free operation in which the 'nerazzurri' only will pay to the Barça one million euros in function of variables, occupies the eleventh position of the best paid of the Italian Calcium, of agreement to a study made by the newspaper 'The Gazzeta dello Sport'. The Chilean will earn 6,5 'kilos' by season.

The best of Arturo Vidal with the Barça

Vidal has adapted with ease to the Inter of Milan of Antonio Conte. The ex midfield player culé has contested the three meetings of the Series To with the 'nerazzurri', two of them like titling, and has stood out for participating actively in the offensive game of the team, as it did it during his stage in the Camp Nou.

Arthur Melo, that fichó by the Juventus of Turín in an operation that carried to Miralem Pjanic to the Camp Nou, also finds in the list of the 20 better paid of the Series To. The Brazilian has a wage of 5 million euros, the same that his mates Álvaro Morata, Federico Chiesa, Juan Squared and Alex Sandro.

Arthur has not registered a big start with the 'Vechia Signora'. Only it has jumped to the field in an opportunity, during the tie 2-2 in front of the Rome, in which it substituted to Douglas Coast in the start of the second part. However, the Brazilian of 24 years already has showed that it can become important in the centre of the field.

The command 'bianconeri'

The Juventus no only dominates the Italian football regarding the quantity of titles obtained. It does it also with the outlay to pay to his players. The value of the staff is of 236 million euros, according to the data of 'The Gazzeta dello Sport'. However, the 'Vechia Signora' attained to reduce 58 'kilos' regarding the previous season. They follow him the Inter, with 149 millions, and the Rome with 112.

The Juve has to the costliest players. The list of the best paid leads it Cristiano Ronaldo, the one who ingresa to his accounts 31 million euros by season, that is to say, the same that costs the whole staff of the Udinese and more than what cost the ones of the Hellas Verona, Crotone and Spezia. It follows him Matthijs Of Ligt, with 8 kilos and, Romelu Lukaku, of the Inter, with 7,5 millions to the year. In the 'top 20' stand out 12 players of the 'Vechia Signora', showing the big purchasing power of the entity, above the rest of the clubs.

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