alejandro balde barcelona2


Balde confesses how he deals with his new status at Barça and signs up for the World Cup

Published:7/11/2022 - 08:31h

Updated:7/11/2022 - 08:31h

Although the first part of the season has not finished being the positive that all expected inside the FC Barcelona, also is true that the club has found several interesting points from the summer and one of them definitely is Balde

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Alejandro Balde is one of the news more than this season in the FC Barcelona. The canterano Barcelona has exploded sorpresivamente and has won the confidence of Xavi Hernández, that is giving him minutes like his left side title in the first months of competition. The footballer, in an interview conceded for 'Goal to Goal', sincere on how is living to personal level his integration to the professional football.

"The family and the friends are supported by me the feet in the floor and procure that the success of the moment no go up me in command", confesses on the form that has to manage have turned into one of the footballers disclosures of LaLiga with the T-shirt of the Barça. Balde Is conscious that it still has a lot that learn and that his career recently has initiated.

In this sense, attends to all what advises him Xavi and his mates. "It says me that have offensive potential and a lot of margin of improvement in the defensive phase", explains on the technician. In fact, the trainer is one of his greater valedores and between his priorities of face to the market of January is to attain the blindaje of Balde. The club is in this and the negotiations with his agent, Jorge Mendes, are under way from does several weeks.

In principle it would not have to have problem any so that the defender attain a new agreement that expand his links (until 2027) and move away to all the clubs that are tempting him, especially from the Premier League. Balde Took advantage of also to explain that it fixes a lot in those who compete in his same position. "Alba is a referent for me. It gives me very good councils. The competition always is good and does us better to all. It is an honour share position with two players of the category of Alba and Alonso".

A player that is for big things

To positional level likes him change of band because "it is a challenge that gives me more experience. The footballers have to be prepared to play where need it the team". Balde Dreams in big and does not hide that "can play the World-wide would be a dream for me". Luis Enrique, for the moment, included him in the prelista and besides in January will turn into footballer of the first staff of the Barça happening of the dorsal 28 to the '12'.

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