Quique Setién, Josep Maria Bartomeu and Éric Abidal in a press conference of the Barça


Barça cannot become a seller club: It is time to sign better

Published:29/06/2020 - 20:58h

Updated:30/06/2020 - 14:59h

Barça has closed a trade between Arthur and Miralem Pjanic, which could bring financial benefits to its accounts. Despite this point in favour, the planning is in question, since the club cannot become a seller and it is time to sign better

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has confirmed this Monday his first big operation in the market of signings, the barter between Arthur and Miralem Pjanic. The crisis of the coronavirus has forced to another exercise of financial engineering for sanear the accounts, that has resolved with a pact by value of 72 million euros more 10 in variables by the ex of the Guild of Carry Cheerful and the credit of 60+5 by the still midfield player of the Juventus.

Economically, and leaving to a side the differences in the wages of both cracks, the agreement seems positive. This for seeing how much embolsará the bosnio, to the one who could have him request that recessed the wage not to put more pressure on the arks barcelonistas, but in case to fulfil all the aims, the difference would be of 17 'kilos' in favour. Besides, and explaining the 31 millions that paid by the one of Goiania, fits to stand out that in a pair of seasons, has bent his valuation, what definitely is a good news.

Deportivamente, this yes, the deal generates a lot of doubts, and more in a vital period for the future of the culés. In spite of that the injuries have overwhelmed to the Brazilian and to that it has not given all what has and what foresees that it could reach, does not be necessary obviar that it leaves escape to a perla that soon will fulfil 24 years and that arrives a star contrasted and with experience but that recently fulfilled 30. When It Is crediting the terrain for a future post-Leo Messi, it would be necessary to think long and tended if this movement has been the best.

The mejoría that the Barcelona have lived in matter of sales would be to celebrate, but is dangerously deceptive. The unexpected escape of Neymar gave step to a carousel of shopping that have been in doubt, and have multiplied the bets of short route that leave profits or few losses in the balances of the club. By ones or other reasons, the adventure of Arthur has been brief, but also the one of Paco Alcácer, Malcom, Paulinho, Yerry Mina or Philippe Coutinho, to which soon could add other names like Nélson Semedo or Junior Firpo.

The obligation of the Barça would have to be leave to celebrate the big traspasos and centre in fichar better, a strategy that, probably would be more adapted in every aspect for a group that always has to aspire to the maximum. In the last times, has commanded the economy and the interests when it would have to do it the football, what has happened bill in the usual conflict by the trophies in spite of having one of the best of the history. The errors of the past no longer can fix, but yes can enderezar the course for esquivarlos tomorrow.

Improve the planning goes through an effort in the detection of talents, by a greater patience and by a more global vision, that, for the moment seems, that remained in better periods. The own Coutinho, or Ousmane Dembélé or Antoine Griezmann arrived more by punctual needs that by his lace in the project, something that on a long-term basis has derived in consequences nefastas. Make a mistake, or no, with Arthur, has been able to fix with gains, but when they invest more than 100 million euros with more heart that head, the failure is guaranteeed.

The reflection could help to the Barça to save to the Barça

Bets more modest but more reflexionadas can give performance on a long-term basis, as well as those that already are home. The Barça could save a millonada if it learnt to value what already has, and repoblara his half or high class with the products of the Masia instead of with signings. In the last years, have pronounced more names of canteranos in farewells that in promotions, and although it is evident that there is not place for all in the first team, has invested in patches that well could have gone out of the filial. Before the definite disaster, and perhaps with the next elections, touches to think in that the football has to return to the City Condal, and this goes through to leave to celebrate sales and begin to fichar better.

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