Ansu EricGarcía Dest


Barça show their new level of commitment to loanees

Published:14/11/2023 - 17:03h

Updated:14/11/2023 - 17:03h

The FC Barcelona has a very competitive staff, but this also did that the sportive direction had to leave go out yielded to almost 10 footballers, ones to which tries to follow very near

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This past summer the FC Barcelona had to repeat a formula that in 2022 gave a big result: yield footballer with which does not explain. The Barcelona team needs by second summer followed give a jump of quality to his staff, but this left to a lot of names without a place in the project of Xavi Hernández, especially taking into account that the mass salarial of the club had to be still in descent.

It is thus that the Barça finished yielding until to 8 players this past summer, no all by the same reasons, but yes that with all is trying to do a plan of follow-up that the own sportive director Barcelona, Deco, has wanted to explain in an interview with 'Sport'. The director of the Barça signalled that from the dispatches is doing a follow-up of all to decide to final of season on his future.

The Barça wants to do if work of correct way

Right now the team culé has yielded until final of season to Ansu Fati (Brighton), Lenglet (Aston Villa), Álex Fence in (Raise), Dest (PSV Eindhoven), Julián Araujo (The Palms), Eric Garcia (Girona), Pablo Tower (Girona), and Chadi Riad (Betis), this last with an option to be still in the béticos if it plays a determinate quantity of parties. On them, Deco has ensured that "are doing a follow-up of all. I think that like club have to do it", sustained.

"We are a serious club and it is necessary to show it. The players have to know that we are concerned by them, as they keep on being of our property. We do not yield to a player because we do not have he. We yield it because in this moment has to go out by anything, because the trainer has decided that it does not have he or because they ask us go out because they want to have more minutes, as it happened this summer with Eric or with Ansu", explained the sportive director culé.

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Equally Deco has admitted that from the sportive area do a follow-up of the players that are traspasados but on which the club has an option of repurchase, as it is the almost of Nico González in the Port wine, for quoting any. "I think that it is the obligation of the Barça. Have them to all controlled. It is normal that generate comments because before it did not do or if it did , did not do well. I think that it is necessary to do it and also calls more the attention the fact that it was Bojan the attendant to do this follow-up. The thing is that if it goes Bojan, has more transcendence", diijo the luso-Brazilian to finalise.

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