What is used to to happen when escupe did up is that, sooner or later, finish you falling. Good experience have of this personajillos of the world of the football like José Mourinho or, right now, those journalists and newspapers that criticised fiercely to the guardameta Claudio Bravo. The international Chilean did not have a good start of Glass Centenarian America and his detractores did notice.

It is thus that after going recovering little by little his level and after being decisive in the final in front of Argentina, has taken his revenge. The
cancerbero Of the FC Barcelona used the social networks to devote him the triumph to these "huevones mediocre and chaqueteros".

"It believes always in you. Whatever happens it believes in you. It live Chile. We have done it everything with the soul. They enjoy of this big attainment. With a lot of affection for all the weones mediocre and chaqueteros of my country. They do not exist!!! This is my Chile. Winner!!!", it wrote the put of the "red "".

It is necessary to remember that to Bravo him atizaron by all sides to the start of the championship and even several Chilean and no Chilean means put in doubt his titularity. But in spite of this, his seleccionador Pizzi trusted he and in the hard affirmed that "Bravo is much more that my goalkeeper title". As they revealed several means, the technician even prepared him a video with his best stopped to raise him the spirit during the championship. And it go if it served him.