Carles Pérez celebrates one of his goals against Vissel Kobe


The deadline to decide the future of Carles Pérez at Barça

Published:10/08/2019 - 18:20h

Updated:11/08/2019 - 18:35h

Carles Pérez is one of the players who has stood out in this preseason at Barça. The club has not yet decided whether he will stay in the first team or in Barça B, but they must do it before August 20

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The pre-season of the Barça has left to several players that go out very reinforced. Probably, Riqui Puig was the footballer that more has shined and that more reinforced goes out. The canterano has played in the four crashes that has contested the FC Barcelona and in all has been of the best. It has left incredible feelings and has left details of grandísimo footballer.

But the one of Matadepera is not the only player that has stood out and also there is another canterano of the that has heard speak a lot. It treats of Carles Pérez, extreme of the filial. The one of Granollers also has played in all the meetings of preparation and even was the big hero of one of them. Against the Vissel Kobe marked the two so many of the victory by 1-2 of the blaugranas.

But the Catalan does not live only of these two targets and along the pre-season has showed that it can be a player desequilibrante and with capacity to contribute a lot of things in attack. It is not any star and will not be it never, but has goal, is very hard-working, is fast and is very polyvalent.

His big performance has done him be clear applicant to remain in the first team to occupy the place that has left free Malcom. Waiting for seeing which raisin with Neymar, the canterano could remain in the Barcelona to play with the greater... Or it could leave of the club blaugrana entirely free.

Sportive world aims that the player has a clause that expires on 20 August in which the extreme can decide leave of the Barcelona free to play in a club of Second or of First. Has offers of LaLiga, but the dream of the footballer is to remain in the Barça. If in the club promise him an alike paper to the that had Aleñá the past course (dorsal of the filial, but be considered player of the first team), Carles could decide remain.

The decision, before the 20

It was as it was, the Barça can not sleep in the laurels and before the 20 will have to communicate him to Carles Pérez which plan have for him. If Valverde decides not having he for the first team, the most likely is that the one of Granollers decide to leave before this 20 August.

Already it was near to leave the past season to the Benfica, but finally remained in front of the promise to have opportunities with the first team. It did not have them, but it follows having hopes that this course was the good and can remain in Can Barça. If it does not have this possibility, will prioritise the offers that have of LaLiga before which has of the foreigner.

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