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Expectations vs reality: In-depth analysis of Ansu Fati's situation at Barça

Published:26/02/2023 - 13:16h

Updated:26/02/2023 - 13:16h

Ansu Fati was going to be a great soccer star, but his knee injury saw his progression cut short and, two years later, it can be said that it has fully affected his career. The young forward doesn't finish exploding and at 'FCBN' we have analyzed his case step by step and what is happening with him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ansu Fati Seemed to have it everything to finish converting a 'crack' generacional and a serious applicant to the Balloon of Gold. It was fast, had desborde, quality in the controls and the combinations, personality and the most important for a forward, goal and mordiente of face to the rival goal. With alone 16 years, in his first course with the first team, already was the big hope of a barcelonismo that wanted to see in him to the natural relief of Leo Messi.

However, the 'damned' destination had prepared another much more hard and sad history for the Hispanic-guinean. On seven November 2020 it began an ordeal that still has not finished to surpass. Mandi, head office of the Betis, arrived late to a cut inside the area and of accidental form caused a brusque twist of the knee of the attacker youngster, that shouted of pain after the crash. Although it followed playing to the end of the first part, no longer went out to the rest and no a lot afterwards the doctors confirmed the worst presagios, break of the internal meniscus of his left and back knee operation.

Ansu Fati, el día que se lesionó la rodilla

An injury of knee always is delicate and can carry long recover it completely. In the case of Ansu, two years and half after this fateful day follows without having recovered the level that had before. It had to be of drop almost a year by fault of his meniscus and had to be taken part until in three occasions more after the first, since his knee followed without answering to the treatments during his recovery.

Now, in February of 2023 and with still 20 years, Ansu seems to have left backwards the injury, although the effects of the same can follow him lastrando. The past course, for example, lost 35 meetings by several physical problems, but especially by an injury in the thigh that kept him 'KO' during four months and half. This campaign did not have lesionado up to now, although it seems that it is not grave. Xavi Is taking care him a lot of to avoid 'frights' and only has been headline in an occasion in two consecutive duels. This seems a clear symptom that in the Barcelona still want to go with a lot of calm with him.

The feelings of Ansu are not good

It is necessary to say, that in the field, that is what never mention, to Fati no longer sees him enjoy as in his first year and little with the greater. It follows playing almost always in the left extreme, where more was used to to surrender, but grieve encara to his pair, neither wins duels by speed and, for satisfy, of face to door no sees him especially fine when it has had opportunities. Sum six goals and three assistances in 34 parties (1.250 minutes), that are figures that are not badly, but the reality is that the feelings are not being good.

To the young forward every time sees him more desperate, as he same admitted after the crash against the Cádiz in the Camp Nou, and is a situation that generates some worry. The fans of the Barcelona and inclusos the own rival thought when this talentazo burst into that with 20 years could be litigating with the Kylian Mbappé or Erling Haaland by the world-wide crown. But unfortunately, at the end they have found with that not even it is to title in the Barça and even seems to be right now the last in the rotation of the attackers culés.

Ansu Fati celebra un gol en la Supercopa de España

The one of Fati is a very complex case, since from his debut generated some enormous expectations that for now are very far to fulfil . Put him so much pressure to a so young player always can become contraproducente and, in this case is it being. Only the time will say it, but after four operations of knee is possible that the international Spanish do not go back to be the one who was before. It is a very hard reality, but the true is that it exists this possibility and all the world would have to contemplate it.

Patience and recess expectations with Ansu

Ansu Follows having 20 years, a lot of quality and all the career by in front. After all what has happened him, it would be necessary to have all the patience of the world with him and especially would be necessary to recess the expectations with him and also his own. Presionarlo And presionarse with having to be the successor of Messi and the future Balloon of Gold seems not being doing him well. Patience and time could be the best friends of the '10' to be able to become some day an important footballer in the club of his life.

Anybody knows until where will arrive the canterano, can that it never become the big star that could have been without this injury of knee, or can that with patience achieve to recover the spark and the confidence and was the leader that was allocated to be. His career is not written and goes to depend on crowd of factors, like the confidence that him of Xavi, his own tarpaulin or how answer his physicist to half and long term.

It was as it was, although it was not going through a good series, the guinean has and will have always the most important weapon for a tip, that is the goal and the ease to move between the defences and have occasions. Thus, although one can think that at the end it does not go to arrive to the peak of the world, also is necessary to see that has spare qualities to be able to do a good career in the Barça. It is necessary to understand something so simple and at the same time so complex as it is to learn to see the reality as it is, and no as it had liked us that it was. See to Ansu like the player that is now, support it, appreciate his qualities and no presionarle with the footballer that could have been or that, who knows, perhaps can still become.

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