Luis Suárez celebrates a goal with FC Barcelona in LaLiga


Facing a crisis, it's time to think positive: Opportunity for Luis Suárez

Published:12/03/2020 - 16:19h

Updated:12/03/2020 - 16:19h

The coronavirus crisis has affected the world of football, but in bad times, it's time to think positive. At Barça, the forced break of competitions will become an opportunity for Luis Suárez, who is working to recover from an injury

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The coronavirus continues affecting to the development of all the activities of the world, and has cebado with the sport. Between the measures of security and prevention has decreed a temporary stop of the majority of competitions, with the aim to brake the advance of the epidemic and have more margin to control the situation. For the moment, it lives a period of uncertainty that will go modifying with the step of the days.

The football has opted for imposing patience, caution and work not to abandon an organisation that can be key, since they are multiplying the doubts due to the fact that the championships are detained. The dates to recover parties and eliminatory escasean in a year in which there are greater tournaments of selections in summer, by what has prioritised the continuous evaluation and the frequent contact with the authorities to choose a way that allow to put end to the season with the lower damage for all the involved.

In time of crisis, is difficult to think in positive, but there is the one who is able to find opportunities. Without going more far, in the FC Barcelona exists an optimistic reading of this complicated pothole, that obviously is not pleasant for anybody but that it will be necessary to surpass calmly and avoiding the unnecessary risks. The Barcelona infirmary could be the main benefited by some obligations that have remained in pause until all go back little by little to the normality.

Luis Suárez has found the gap that looked for to recover of his injury of knee and return to the terrains of game, after warning in a recent interview that did not have thought to be four months of drop. The Uruguayan, that went through the operating theatre in January, revealed to the fans that the process goes better of what expected , and although it underlined that it will respect the opinion and the caution of the doctors that supervise him, announced that it followed decided to recortar terms and to reappear before final of course to help to his mates in the fight by the titles.

This frenazo in the calendar could award to the of Jump the necessary time to receive the high and go back to go in in action, without so many hastes and with more meetings to his disposal. The fact that all delay two weeks, like minimum, increases the hope of the forward, that knows that it will be able to take rhythm to base of trainings and confront to some competitions that could lengthen even until the month of June.

Dembélé Has it more complicated that Suárez

The opportunity of Suárez is not so clear for Ousmane Dembélé, the another lesionado of long length of the Barça. Although others, as Sergi Roberto and Arthur also could take advantage of this margin to park his physical problems, the drop of the French estimated in some six months, what would prevent him arrive to time to have minutes of quality. Besides, the one of Vernon has another problem, and is that like his index card substituted by the one of Martin Braithwaite in LaLiga, until the campaign 2020-21, only could participate in the Champions League.

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