The new cancerbero of the FC Barcelona Jasper Cillessen prensenta in the City Condal like a man that to his 27 years, and to exception of the fans to the international football, few know in Spain. An important goalkeeper for Holland and for the Ajax that arrives to the group of Luis Enrique like way to reach the cúlmen of his sportive career. Thus, these are five appearances of the life of Cillessen that help to know it a bit better. 

Guardameta By vocation from the nine years

The ex goalkeeper of the Ajax of Amsterdam dreamed with a put of elite since it was very small. His infancy was marked by the sport king, as it shows in a report issued in the Dutch television by part of the journalist Edwin Winkels. In him it can see as with nine years, Jasper wrote in a notebook that his dream of elder was to turn into a porteró of elite.

Van der Sar, his absolute idol

As all Dutch youngster of his age, grew seeing to the already ex goalkeeper Edwin go der Sar under the sticks of the "orange" and of different big teams by all Europe as they were Juventus of Turín, Ajax of Amsterdam or Manchster United. Something that did him be his authentic idol of infancy as like this it recognised in his press conference like new footballer of the FC Barcelona.

A goalkeeper to the ancient usanza

Far of the prototype of full modern footballer of tattoos, slopes and cloths of mark, Jasper Cillessen is a man more than discreet and "chapado" to the ancient. We go, of those that approach more to the type of sportsmen that embody this feeling of "eternal hate to the modern football". Without any tattoo neither any type of combed or ropaje ostentoso, Jasper is a normal "man". 

The eccentricities are not the his

As already it has commented , to Cillessen do not like him for nothing the eccentricities that surround to the players of his level. Thus, in addition to being a hmbre very familiar and to surround always of his beings wanted, has a couple with his similar tastes. Far of the focuses and the fame, his current couple Joan Klooster is a very reserved person that, for example, has his accounts of Instagram and Facebook private.

With an equal brother but no twin

One of the curiosities of the goalkeeper, and that of good safe can create some that another fun situation in Barcelona, is that Jasper Cillessen has a brother practically the same to him physically. And no, it does not treat of a brother twin as they carry several years. In the presentation like player culé could him see beside him, his coined, his girlfriend and sys parents.