Dani Alves Corte


Justice sentences Dani Alves to 4 and a half years in prison

Published:22/02/2024 - 12:12h

Updated:22/02/2024 - 12:12h

Dani Alves will finally remain in jail after the Provincial Court of Barcelona sentenced the Brazilian for a crime of sexual assault, which will also be accompanied by financial compensation for the victim

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Provincial Audience of Barcelona has condemned this Friday to 4 years and 6 months of prison to the footballer Dani Alves by the rape to a youngster in the discotheque Sutton of Barcelona the morning of 31 December 2022. The court considers accredited that the victim did not consent the relations and that exist elements of proof, in addition to the own testimony of the denouncer, to understand tested the rape and, therefore, the commission of the crime of sexual aggression.

In addition to the penalty of prison, the Audience condemns to Alves to 5 years of freedom watched after his exit of the prison, as well as to indemnify to the victim with 150.000 euros by the moral damage and the injuries suffered and to a total fine of 9.000 euros by a slight crime of injuries. Likewise, they prevent him communicate with the denouncers by any half and approach to her to less than 1.000 metres, as it informs the Upper Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJCat).

The Court has wanted to be very clear with his conclusions

It is worthwhile to highlight that in his sentence, the court of the Section 21ª of the Audience of Barcelona that "the court considers tested that "the accused took sharply to the denouncer, threw it to the floor and avoiding that it could move penetrated it vaginalmente, in spite of that the denouncer said that no, that wanted to go " of the private bathroom of the discotheque where occurred the facts. And it understands that "with this fulfils the type of absence of consent, with use of the violence, and with access carnal", explains the Court.

It finishes a process that destroys completely for career of Dani Alves

In the resolution the magistrates aim to several "peripheral corroborations that apuntalan the version of the denouncer in the referred to the vaginal penetration no spoiled". Between them, they mention the existence of injuries in the knee of the victim, his state of anxiety immediately after the facts and the existence of sequelas in the young. Like this it finishes the process for the Brazilian, the one who clearly now yes puts an end him to a full career of sportive successes, but that will finish opacada by the facts made against of the youngster in that night of the 2022.