Koeman, giving instructions to Carles Aleñá previous to his entry


This is how Aleñá responds when asked about Koeman

Published:18/01/2021 - 18:35h

Updated:18/01/2021 - 18:35h

Carles Aleñá made little showing to the orders of Ronald Koeman and thus it went out yielded to the Getafe. However, it does not save him grudge to the Dutch

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does some weeks that announced the arrival of Carles Aleñá to the Getafe like yielded to the Getafe. The midfield player formed in the Masia did not have opportunities in the FC Barcelona after the arrival of Ronald Koeman, fact that propició his exit in direction to the Coliseum Alfonso Pérez. In press conference, the footballer azulón commented his exit of the Camp Nou.

In spite of that only it carried five official parties and 170 minutes of game, Carles Aleñá did not want to blame to Ronald Koeman. "I do not think that it failed me Koeman. There are players that are by in front yours and have to be brave when you do not have minutes. It could remain me in the Barcelona, but had to step forward. It could not be without playing because it knew that it would be difficult to give the turn to the situation because it was not of his like or another reason", said.

Carles Aleñá showed happy to having landed in the Getafe, where had the confidence of the technical body and where looks forward to to have the opportunities that have been missing him like player of the FC Barcelona. "José Bordalás has given me the necessary confidence and therefore had win them to come here. If it went me to a place was to the Getafe. It has been easy and am happy", confessed.

"I do not think that it failed me Koeman"

After several seasons sharing changing room in the FC Barcelona with Leo Messi, Carles Aleñá only has words of praise for the Barcelona captain. "For me Messi is the best of the world. Never I have seen it descentrado. Always it has been a big captain, is competitive and always gives it everything. It is the best and follows it showing each party", manifested.

Carles Aleñá is convinced to know sobrellevar well the pressure, something that always has to suceder in players when they are in the elite. "When you play to the football and more to this level have to coexist with this pressure because you have to do the things well. You come of big clubs but is not a pressure play to the football, but a thing that have to enjoy and what more enjoy better", signalled.

On his signing for the Getafe, Carles Aleñá recognised that what more wishes is to recover the leadership and the opportunities. "What want in Getafe is to go back to feel me footballer and leading. I want to have the confidence that think that here go it to have, but always looking by the group. I want to contribute my grain of sand to a very done team and that has a lot of quality", said.

Aleñá Comments the signing of Take Kubo

Carles Aleñá also commented the arrival of the Japanese midfield player Take Kubo, the another signing of winter of the Getafe arriving yielded by the Real Madrid. "It is a player of a lot of quality and is easy to understand with him because it understands of football. We go us to go knowing but with players like Take is easy to associate, understand and can do big things to fulfil aims", aimed.

Finally, Carles Aleñá recognised to have spoken with his fellow Marc Cucurella before deciding by the Getafe. "It is a fellow with which have shared a lot of years in the Barcelona. It spoke me well of the club, of the people that worked here and this was key. Of the word of a fellow me fío. It said me that it would be to taste, that this club is like a family and his opinion has been key because we are in contact daily", sentenced.


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