It is not lover of the public apparitions neither of the big speeches, but Leo Messi sees often wrapped in some discussions. After delivering the Boot of Gold to the fans of the FC Barcelona, the Argentinian was recognised in the gala of the prizes Marks with the trophies pichichi, to the best goleador, and Gave Stefano, to the best player of the past season. And it went back to be leading.

Further of his own attainments, the one of Rosario also participated as invited of honour in another category, the one of the winner of the official game of LaLiga Santander. The agraciado, Víctor Brook, received his award of the hands of the same Messiand left a message that did to smile to all the auditorium.

"Messi is the best of the world, and am of the Real Madrid", confessed, causing several guffaws and an audible applause of the public. "Well, as then it seems that already we have said it all, no?", it underlined the presenter. Days after Cristiano Ronaldo autoproclamara "the best player of the history", the subject follows coleando, and seems that the exchange of opinions goes for long.

A prize of all

Instants after embolsarse two prizes more to the individual performance, Leo Messi repeated once again the message that his interest only goes through the community. After collecting the pichichi announced that it was "a prize for all the changing room" and that the important is "to attain the greater possible titles". And it follows very convinced of this.