It has not taken too much in doing viral the history of the "double "" Iranian of Leo Messi, Prays Parastesh, to the one who are raining him glimpsed from all parts because of the enormous seemed that saves with the big star of the FC Barcelona, and that brushes levels insospechados.

In the last hours has made a photographic report to Pray Parastesh, that has posed with a balloon of football and the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona. The Iranian citizen does not leave to stroll by the streets of Tehran with the taken care appearance of the Argentinian star of the Barça, seeding the chaos in shape of photographies and autographs between the fans.

It prays Parastesh, the "double "" more nailed to Leo Messi

For the moment, it is the "double "" more nailed to Leo Messi that it knows in the actuality, and seems that it is taking advantage of to the maximum the tug to be a "clone" of the Argentinian footballer. In addition to taking out smiles to the fans that stop him by the street, has participated already in several acts to the lucir the same combed, the beard of the same colour and therefore nailed when enfunda the T-shirts of the FC Barcelona or of the selection of Argentina.

Since his history trascended to the media "Mehr", an agency of Iranian news that surprised when finding him doing "selfies" with diverse fans, are raining him offers of interviews. He, as it is logical, loved.