Leo Messi celebrating his first goal in MLS with Inter Miami


Leo Messi once again makes it clear that he always thought about returning to Barça

Published:5/12/2023 - 20:55h

Updated:5/12/2023 - 20:55h

Leo Messi, once again, has made clear the desire he had to return to FC Barcelona during the past summer market. Although this operation did not come to fruition, it is still an issue that gives people something to talk about

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The Argentinian star, Leo Messi, has showed that follows more valid that never in the world of the football. The current '10' of the Inter Miami and recently appointed 'Athlete of the Year' by the magazine 'TIME', left some testimonies that enriched the long article devoted to his arrival to the American football.

In the text published in the North American weekly newspaper, highlights a statement in particular in which the ex of the combined Barcelona speech of his fallido return to the FC Barcelona, which was a real option. "My first option was to go back to Barcelona, but was not possible. I treated to return and no sucedió", recalcó the left-handed.

It costs to signal that the return of the rosarino to the cast culé, before joining to the Inter Miami, went a very commented rumour in the City Condal. Leo Messi arrived like free agent after his cycle in the Paris Saint Germain, but by reasons no specified with clarity, the meeting between both parts did not arrive to good term and finally the valid Balloon of Gold joined to the North American football.

The big offers that had Leo Messi

In relation with his signing by the 'Garzas', the '10' spoke on how took the decision before accepting join to the combined 'mayamero'. "The truth is that fortunately it had several options on the table that were interesting, and had to analyse them and think, even sopesarlas with my family, before taking the final decision to come to Miami", expressed him the rosarino to 'TIME'.

In this sense, Read also was quite opened regarding the explanation of the assessment of the offer exorbitante from the Half Orient, some surroundings that has characterised in the last time for attracting to big cracks like Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema, Neymar, among others. "It is true that afterwards was thinking a lot in going to the Saudi league, where know the country and have created a very powerful competition that can turn into an important league in the near future", began saying the Argentinian.

This proposal of Saudi Arabia also had another important factor, a previous bond with the Argentinian. "Like ambassador of tourism of the country, went a destination that attracted me, especially because I have enjoyed all what have visited, by how is growing the football in the country and by the effort that are putting in creating a competition of first level", closed.

Arabia and United States, the complex decision of Messi

Finally, Leo Messi, the one who apparently only considered to the FC Barcelona like option in Europe, had to take a decision between the Half Orient and United States. "It was Saudi Arabia or the MLS, and both options seemed me very interesting", aimed. From here, everything is history for 'The Flea', the one who has turned into one of the visible faces of the balompié North American and the main star of the Inter Miami, club where already has won a Leagues Cup and where at present has annotated 11 goals and five assistances in 14 parties.

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