Very known is by all that Leo Messi follows from does years a special diet, prepared by the nutricionista Giuliano Poser, that has helped him to finish with the problems estomacales that suffered antaño in some parties, and that besides has contributed to improve also his musculature and resistance during the commitments of high level that contests season after season.

And it is that Leo Messi has not rested still neither an only minute with the FC Barcelona this season 2017-18, and is thus that the 'staff' technical of the Barça does all the possible by mimarle and take care him to the maximum. It is thus that, in the minute 10 of party in front of Olympiacos, Leo Messi took a tablet of glucose that carried in the interior of one of his averages.

The journalist of 'Catalonia Ràdio', Ricard Torquemada, desveló in the last hours the facts, revealing besides that Messi chose ingerir the just tablet in that moment because, "before the first 15 minutes of a physical effort, is when the muscle is more receptivo".

The question is that it treats of something usual between sportsmen of elite, and that of course is allowed by the UEFA and all the pertinent organisms when being a tablet of natural substances, that the only that does is to favour the performance.

Messi, with a performance envidiable

However, on what there is not too consensus is regarding which is the best moment to take them, since for some experts is more recommended ingerir said tablets after the warming, and before beginning the parties or trainings.

Of what anybody doubt is that, analysing the party, Leo Messi carried out a big performance this Wednesday in the Camp Nou. It marked a golazo of fault, gave an assistance to Lucas Digne and participated in almost all the played dangerous for the rival goal.