

OFFICIAL: Messi confirms that will continue in the FC Barcelona until 2021!

Published:4/09/2020 - 18:07h

Updated:4/09/2020 - 18:54h

By means of a communiqué issued in 'Goal.com', Leo Messi has put end to the rumours and has announced that will continue dressing the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona until 2021

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi, has put end to hours and hours of soap opera in the media. The '10' remains in the Barça, and no longer there is gone back of leaf. Like this it has ensured it the own Messi during the interview that has conceded to 'Goal.com' in the last hours, where the journalist Rubén Uría has taken him out the words that all the barcelonismo wanted to hear.

In the first place, to the '10' of the FC Barcelona have asked after him what took so much in speaking in front of the press, went to announce that it went or that remained . "First because after the defeat of Lisbon was very hard", has answered Messi. "We knew that it was a very difficult rival, but no that went to finish of this way, giving this so poor image for the club and for the barcelonismo. We gave very bad image. It was badly, it did not have you win of at all. It wanted to that it was happening the time for afterwards go out to clear everything".

"I said him to the club, especially, to the president, that wanted to go me. I carry it to him saying all the year"

The will of Leo Messi to leave of the FC Barcelona does not come of these last weeks, but it seems to be that it informed him of his intentions to Josep Maria Bartomeu from did time. "I said him to the club, especially, to the president, that wanted to go me. I carry it to him saying all theyear . It thought that it was the moment to step to the side. It thought that the club needed more young people, new people and thought that it had finished my stage in Barcelona feeling it a lot of because I always said that it wanted to finish my career here", answers Messi.

"It was a very complicated year, suffered a lot inside the trainings, in the parties and in the changing room. It did me very difficult all and arrived a moment that I posed me look for new aims, new airs. It did not come owing to the result of Champions in front of the Bayern, the decision carried thinking it long. I said it to him to the president and well, the president always said that I at the end of season could decide if it wanted to go me or if it wanted to remain me and at the end did not finish fulfilling his word", aims the rosarino, in a 'dart' capital to Josep Maria Bartomeu.

Messi, hurt with journalists and 'fellow'

In spite of all the criticisms that has received of part of the press and distinct personalities of the world of the football, Messi ensures that never it has felt only. "No…I did not feel me only. Only no. To my side have been those that are always. This suffices me and strengthens me. But yes I felt me hurt by things that listened of the people, of the journalism, of people putting in doubt my barcelonismo and saying things that think that did not deserve me".

"Also it served me to see who is who. This world of the football that is very difficult and there are a lot of very false people. This that has happened has served me to recognise to a lot of false people that had in another consideration. It hurt me when it put in doubt my love by this club. By more than it go me or it remain me, my love by the Barça does not go to change never", signals the '10', without saying names and leaving clear his barcelonismo.

To Messi have hurt him some informations that have appeared and that, according to him, were categorically false. "It has said a bit of everything, the of the friends of Messi, the of the money… have hurt a lot of things that have said . Always I placed in front the club before that anything. Had possibility to go me of the Barça many times. The money? All the years could go me and win more money that in the Barcelona. Always I said that this was my house and was what felt and seat. Better that here is difficult. It felt that it needed a change and new aims, new things".

Messi 'crucifica' to Bartomeu

It ensures, besides, that take the decision to leave the FC Barcelona never was easy. "Claro that it cost me a lot decide. It does not come of the result of the Bayern, comes of a lot of things. Always I said that it wanted to finish here and always I said that it wanted to remain me here. That wanted a winning project and win titles with the club to follow agrandando the legend of the Barcelona to level of titles. And the truth that does time that there is not project neither there is at all, go doing malabares and go covering holes to measure that go happening the things. As I said before always I thought the welfare of my family and of the club", signals Messi, crucificando of definite form to Bartomeu to the one who remain him some months in the charge of president.

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