Messi, walking during the Barça-Seville


Sky Sports: The Manchester City renounces to the signing of Leo Messi

Published:23/11/2020 - 10:16h

Updated:23/11/2020 - 10:16h

During the last months, has related to Leo Messi with the Manchester City, but the English club would have decided not trying ficharle because of the enormous economic cost that would suppose

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In summer, Leo Messi turned into the big worry of the barcelonismo.​ During the afternoon of 25 August, the Argentinian star commanded a burofax to the FC Barcelona asking the rescission of his agreement by mediation of the clause of leakage that activated him to final of season. A request that was not attended by the club, that considered that said clause already there was caducado the past month of June.

During all this period, the Manchester City was the club that sounded with more strength like possible destination of Leo Messi. Several sectors of the press ensured that it gathered with Pep Guardiola and that both saw with good eyes go back to joint his ways. Finally, the Argentinian remained in the FC Barcelona, but his agreement finishes in 2021 and, in spite of the resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu and of all his board, his future follows being in the air.

In the last weeks, several sectors of the press have insisted in that the intentions of the Manchester City have not varied with regard to the past summer and that these kept on being the ones to try convince to Leo Messi so that this move to the Etihad Stadium. However, according to the informations desveladas this Monday by in Sky Sports, the reality goes by a distinct way.

It explained it the journalist Semra Hunter, ensuring that the Manchester City has desisted in the possibility of fichar to Leo Messi by reasons so much sportive, taking into account the age of the player, as economic. "I know by near people to the operation that the Manchester City does not go to bid by Leo Messi", signalled, adding that "according to the information that I have, to day of today this door this enclosed".

Semra Hunter added that the current context of economic crisis by the pandemia would make impossible the payment of his wage. "The Manchester City has two reasons for this: the age and the economic outlay. Although it would come to cost zero, his wage is astronomical. It wins some 100 million euros to the year. It would be an enormous financial load for any club. Especially if we take into account that we are in the middle of a world-wide pandemia", commented.

The new president will have to negotiate with Leo Messi

It is true that Leo Messi is the best player of the world and that any club would wish ficharle, but the problem is the same for all: that have him in the staff supposes an astronomical annual cost. It is thus that the president that win the elections the next month of January will have to negotiate with the Argentinian star to convince him that it remain , adapting besides his wage to the current stage.

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