Ivan Rakitic and Rafinha Alcántara in a training session of FC Barcelona | FCB


The analysis of Rafinha: Valverde, the Classical, the Brazilians, Messi, the Masia, the triplete, his injury...

Published:1/03/2019 - 01:44h

Updated:1/03/2019 - 01:47h

It carries some months lesionado and remains him still a time to recover , but Rafinha Alcántara follows very motivated in the FC Barcelona. In an interview, the Brazilian has analysed the Barcelona actuality, valuing several relative subjects to the first team and the Masia

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Unfortunately, a grave injury separated him in the month of November, and will have to expect still a time to go back to play. Rafinha Alcántara follows hammering to reappear with the elastic Barcelona, although after another painful mishap, takes it to him calmly. This yes, does not lose detail of what sucede in the City Condal and is an analyst of luxury of the Barcelona actuality.

The one of Sao Paulo has gone through the microphones of 'Irradiate Mark', and has conceded an interview in which it has commented his impressions on the first team. To start with, it has valued very positively the renewal of Ernesto Valverde, a trainer that considers ideal for the club: "it Is a clear uncle, that says what thinks. It knows to what play and organises well to the team. We are loved with him, contributes us a lot".

Questioned on the Classical of Glass of Rey, the youngster has recognised to have enjoyed "like a boy", but has warned that touches to watch in LaLiga. The midfield player does not have escatimado ambition when they have asked after him the aims of the season, and has explained that it does not think that the bajón recent was a negative news: "I See to the team genial. When it arrives January or February notices the tiredness because it is normal".

"When they arrive the important parties, exists the motivation and no the tiredness. I see to the complete team and that reacts to the hour of the truth. There are rotations, thing that is important. The year of the triplete had a lot of and the players felt well. When having been year of world-wide the legs weigh more but are ready", has signalled, confirming that the bet of the changing room is to repeat the triple crown.

"Messi will hold until the physicist allow it to him, is so above the rest that will do what want"

Act followed has happened to value to some of his compatriots, and has begun defending to Philippe Coutinho. "It is very good. When it seems that they do not go out the things criticises him . It is contributing and helping to the team. To an extreme ask him goals but what gives and by how fits, see that it helps us of an extraordinary form. I think that was cheap by the quality that has", has underlined.

Also it has done in praises to Arthur: "I Admire a lot to Arthur by his game. It is incredible how a Brazilian can seem so much to a European regarding the game. Steal him a balloon is very difficult. Move to the team as it moves it is to admire. Being so young, and in his first year, is giving an incredible level". And broken one launches in favour of Malcom, that always has confessed that the canterano is one of his big supports: "it Is an extraordinary player. It is problem are the opportunities. It is missing him lacking continuity but has to have patience to take confidence".

After mentioning also to a Vinicius Jr that has him impressed, has surrendered to Leo Messi, of the that considers that only the age will finish him braking. "Will have physical limit, do not think that with fifty years hold. Until his physical level allow it to him, is so above the rest that will do what want. It adapts to different types of game, of extreme, of half, of forward. It knows how play. It is not question of years", has reflexionado.

Rafinha Has not lost the opportunity to praise the talent of the quarry, and has done it through two young promises that considers that they will give a lot that speak: "I Follow to Carles Aleñá from the ten years, his evolution. It seems me a jugadorazo. It is a big footballer, if you see how plays... Riqui Puig the same. The Barça works well the quarry, and therefore the players that go up adapt so well to the team".

Rafinha Admits that it has to take his recovery with a lot of calm

Rafinha Also has referred to his injury of knee, and to a recovery complicated that prefers to take with patience: "The injury advances very well, fulfilling the terms and strengthening the zone each day. It is necessary to have a lot of patience, but am improving and learning. The treatment is being very seemed to the previous, have changed some nuances to go back stronger. Being sincere, have been some months complicated, but the help of family and friends help you to happen the bad moment".

"It is hard by the time that have to be without doing what more likes you. It is an injury of six months, but do not want to me put terms. Before it finish the season look forward to to train already with the group, but doubt that it compete", has revealed, signalling that more than going back prompt to the terrains of game prefers to have guarantees that there will be relapses neither more physical problems.

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