Samuel Umtiti is of those that live the present and do not concern too much by the future. In an extract of the interview that has conceded recently to the newspaper 'PLOUGH', however, has revealed which could turn into one of his nightmares of face to the next months, in the case that it cross with Argentina in the World-wide of Russia 2018.

"I do not want to imagine me have to defend to Leo in the World-wide. It is the best of the world, marks the differences. Win or it do not win titles, is the best. There is not debate. Never it fails", they have been the words of Umtiti for elogiar to the big star of the FC Barcelona and, in passing, leave clear that is very happy by the fact of not playing in a team that was not the Barça and like this not being able to confront to Leo Messi.

Since it landed in the FC Barcelona, Umtiti has been able to check by himself same, in each training and each party, the magic of a Messi that it does not tire never to marvel to all and sundry in the panorama futbolístico international.

Messi and Umtiti, of the best of the world

It is the best player of the world, as well it says Umtiti, and besides keeps a good relation with all his mates in the Barcelona staff, included the central youngster French. The FC Barcelona, fortunately, can explain in the staff with some of the best players of the planet in his position, as it is the case of Umtiti in the place of head office and the one of Leo Messi in the forward.

Umtiti, by his part, can that have all the reason of the world to the not wanting to find with Messi in the World-wide of Russia 2018. And it is that, taking into account the a lot of that has suffered and litigated the '10' to classify to Argentina... It will not walk with chiquitas.