Messi, annoying after being withdrawn in the PSG-Lyon


The PSG sends a warning to Pochettino after replacing to Messi

Published:20/09/2021 - 17:35h

Updated:20/09/2021 - 17:35h

The replacement of Lionel Messi in the party in front of the Olympique of Lyon has not left indifferent to Khalifa Bin Hamad To the Thani, familiar of the president of the PSG, the one who has sent a message to Mauritius Pochettino that many have taken like a possible threat

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For many, including to the own Argentinian star, went a surprise the replacement of Lionel Messi to the 76 minutes of the party between Paris Saint-Germain and the Olympique of Lyon in the Park of the Princes by the sixth date of Tie it 1 that culminated with a local victory by 2-1.

However, the ex captain of the FC Barcelona has been in the focus by his gesture of annoyance when being sent to the bench by his trainer, the also Argentinian Mauricio Pochettino. It was such the anger of Leo that it left him with the widespread hand to the moment of his exit of the field, as well as his back gestures that have left images virales in the social networks.


Pochettino, loomed or troleado?

Precisely through the digital platform Twitter, Khalifa Bin Hamad To the Thani, one of the familiar near of Nasser To the-Khelaïfi, has sent a subtle threat to Pochettino with a publication in which it observes the image of the Argentinian greeting, accompanied of the text "London is a beautiful city, already know it".

The 'post' that has received some 2.000 likes, has been interpreted like a threat by part of some users of the social network, whereas others have subtracted importance to the subject, signalling that possibly it treat of a prank with the end to cause stir in the social networks.

After the commitment, Pochettino has explained that his decision to withdraw to Messi of the field obeys to the research of the greater profit for the team. Perhaps in his next appearance in front of the means in the previous of the party in front of the Metz can deepen in the details of the occurred.

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