If the media have the work to inform of objective form of the things, in Spain seems that they are missing media and sobran scheme propagandísticas. And it is that lto reality, alas, is very distinct of what all the world wants to as it has been able to see in the difference of deals between the facts become with Inland revenue by Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

As all remember how treated to Leo Messi when it jumped the news that it had defrauded to Inland revenue. His T-shirt of the Barça in all the covers, insults by doquier and an attempt to despise his figure. Justifiable to some extent when treating of somebody that there would be estafado to Inland revenue -to all the citizens-.

The cover of the newspaper "ABC" is an example of all this that exposes . "21 months of prison for Leo Messi and his father by a fraud of "extreme gravity". In the moment that the Fiscalía informed that CR7 no only committed one, but until three frauds "of extreme gravity", the "ABC" remained dumb.

Neither trace of the T-shirt of the Real Madrid

All the contrary, as after obviar the informations on the fiscal fraud of the Portuguese in his covers, happened to his defence to ultranza. It gives the same that it accuse him to having defrauded more than the triple that the of the rosarino, to the "ABC", dress his cover of the Tuesday, what say Florentino goes to mass. At all that see has said information, where stands out the thought of the mandator merengue on the innocence of the footballer.

In spite of all this, and although all already know of which foot limp the means in Spain, does not leave to surprise how these are informing of the fraud of Cristiano Ronaldo. The use of the conditional is much more frequent that with Messi. The presumption of innocence does more evident (something that would have to suceder by the same in all the cases).

But the most curious "" is that the means accompany the news with images of Cristiano Ronaldo with the T-shirt of Portugal or dress of street. Ni Trace of the T-shirt of the Real Madrid. Rare, truth?

"The truth is that I am very, very calm, Know that these things will solve with the best decision. I am well. I say it to you from the bottom of the heart and looking to the camera: when you do the things well, have to go for the calm bed", affirmed CR7.