In his day said that "compare to Messi with the rest is like comparing to Batman with good policemen" and seems that it has not changed his opinion. Jorge Sampaoli, when being remembered by this affirmation after the Brazil-Argentina (0-1), insisted in the big difference that exists between the star of the FC Barcelona and the rest of the mortal.

"I am still thinking that there is a big difference between Leo and the rest. Until the last day that play will be the best. I say this, maybe because I'm sorry like this", affirmed the new seleccionador of Argentina.

Regarding the duel, although Sampaoli is conscious that his have to improve, stands out that they competed and went out to by the victory. "It did not play to fulfil, played to win. We do not dominate the game, but neither suffer so much", sustained.

Argentina goes by good way but is missing "him a pile"

"What more rescue of the party are the intentions. Of course: it is missing a pile. I exaggerate if I say that it went out the planned. We need time to consolidate ideas in the team", confirmed the míster that, to his time, added that "the preparation was short but demanding. I value the effort done in front of a selection consolidated".