Zico, greeting to the fans before a party of the Urawa Network Diamonds


Zico Boosts the controversy: "Maradona is better that Messi"

Published:2/01/2019 - 18:36h

Updated:2/01/2019 - 18:37h

One of the big myths of the Brazilian football, Zico, has desatado the controversy through the social networks with his last statements, in which it argues his opinion that "Maradona is better that Messi", and refers to the incidence with Argentina

Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the big myths of the Brazilian football, Zico, has conceded some statements in which it has given to know his opinion that Diego Armando Maradona was better that Leo Messi. The ex footballer of the 'canarinha' has argued his posture with explanations that have to see with the titles harvested with Argentina, and also with the players of which has been surrounded always Messi.

"I think that Maradona played a more competitive football", has begun ensuring Zico. "It played always with an individual marker, and gave a lot to his teams. To the equal that Leo Messi... But Maradona was champion of the world with Argentina, even runner-up", remembers Zico, that always has praised to the 'Lint' by what was able to do on the terrains of game.

"Maradona Always stood out in the big competitions. Even when Argentina was not the favourite", adds Zico, in some words of which have done echo already the media of all the world, between them also of the Spanish press, as 'Sport' or 'ACE'.

Zico Thinks that Leo Messi has had always to his around better players that those that had Maradona like mates, something that according to him has to give more credit to what was able to do the 'Lint' by the selection of Argentina and also by the teams in which it triumphed to level of clubs. "Argentina did not have the stars that has today", signals Zico.

"Players of high level that play in Europe. It did not play in a team like the one of Leo Messi now. It did not play in the Barcelona of Messi, with Hammered, Iniesta, Xavi, Neymar or Luis Suárez", adds the Brazilian. Some statements that are argued, although they can be more than debatable and in the last hours are being answered by thousands of fans through the social networks and the sportive forums.

The gestas of Messi argue all the arguments

We do not forget that the main antagonist of Leo Messi in the modern football, Cristiano Ronaldo, also has thrown in several occasions of a strategy resembled the one of Zico for recalcar that what has done he has been more impressive that the of the '10', when having been able to triumph in teams of distinct leagues like the Manchester United, the Real Madrid or now in the Juventus, while Messi has played always for the Barcelona.

There will be opinions for all the colours, but what is clear is that all the barcelonistas and lovers of the good football, and also the majority of which saw to play to Maradona, think that Leo Messi is a stair by on. In any case, to 'The Flea' still remain him some years more than football to follow conquering important titles, like a World-wide.

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