Beautiful gesture, the one of Neymar Jr, once finalised the charitable party Once "OusadiaxPedalada", that the Brazilian player of the FC Barcelona contested the morning of the past Friday in Sao Paulo. And it is that the star of the Barcelona group wanted to homenajear to the victims of the Chapecoense, the humble team that suffered does some weeks the aerial accident in which it died practically all his staff, in addition to technicians and directors.

Neymar Jr, finalised the friendly meeting, took a flag of the Chapecoense, tied it to him to the neck and strolled with her by all thefield , attracting like this the focuses of the cameras and giving more attention to the memory of the victims of the tragic aerial accident occurred in Colombian earths.

Shortly after, besides, Neymar Jr published in his personal account of "Instagram" a photography in which it could him see strolling with the flag of the Brazilian group, attaching to the image the following message for the fans of the Chapecoense: "Vamô vamô Chapêêêê".

Beautiful gesture, in definite, of a Neymar that does not forget, to the equal that all the sportsmen of Brazil, the tragedy that lived does hardly some days and that conmocionó to the world of the international football. The victims will remain for ever in the memory.

This is the message published by Neymar Jr: