Better connoisseur that anybody of the needs of his men and taking advantage of always this big connection that joins him with the fans of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique went back to ask the help of the bloated for the first big meeting of the season. And it is that this Wednesday the Barcelona receive to a very dangerous and hard rival as it is the Athletic of Madrid of the "Cholo" Simeone, rival in front of which as it has affirmed the technician never have had an easy party.

And to take out the three points, the culés owe to "do a lot of things well, commit few errors... It will be necessary to do a very complete party to win. Before they there has not been easy party neither that have cost us little. It is a direct rival for the achievement of the title". In front of this, the technician asks "a Camp Nou to rebosar and helping us because we go it to need".

This extra point that gives the fans of the best stadium of the world when it is put in environment will be necessary to win in a party that, as it remembered, there will be very few occasions of which his can take advantage of. The recipe, therefore, is to support and encourage to his go well or badly the things. That push always helps to his not to generate more impatience when the things go badly given.

"Taking into account that no only fit few goals and generate him few occasions of goal, tomorrow will be a thing to take into account. A lot of appearances of the game are vital and key in front of a rival of this level. We know us very well. It is an exciting party, motivante", recognised the míster before the big battle.