Neymar Jr Has showed always, especially after winning finals like the one of the Champions League of Berlin 2015 or the one of River 2016 with Brazil, that is a very religious person. From the strip in that it could read "100% Jesus" of the quoted final of League of Champions with the FC Barcelona until other acts, as continuous rezos on foot of field, confirm that the Brazilian protects whenever it can in his beliefs.

What up to now did not know , however, is that Neymar Jr has written three biblical appointments in his taquilla of the changing room of the FC Barcelona, that help him to motivate in the moments of greater tension, was before or after some important party, as well as to face the daily life.

"Had a very happy infancy, but did not havea lot . My father did a lot by me and my sister. It was a pride buy a house to my parents. In the taquilla have a work of prayer. Before the party joint us home appreciate to God by everything", revealed "Ney" in one of his last interviews.

The three biblical appointments of Neymar Jr are the following: 

Corintios 9:24-27: "they do not know that in a career all the runners compete, but only one obtains the prize? They run, then , of such way that obtain it. All the sportsmen train with a lot of discipline. They do it to obtain a prize that goes to rack and ruin; we, instead, by one that lasts for ever. So I no roll like the one who does not have put; I do not struggle like the one who gives hits to the air. 27 Rather, I strike my body and dominate it, was not that, after having preached to others, I same remain disqualified".

Timoteo 2:5: "And also the one who struggles like athlete, is not topped if it does not struggle legitimately".

Timoteo 4:7: "I Have litigated a good battle, have finish the career, have saved my faith".