These navidades left a lot of images of Neymar Júnior happening it in big in his natal Brazil. In addition to the entrenos own that made beside his preparadores physical, the eleven Barcelona also had time for acts, friendly parties and parties beside his friends.

In these remained clear his turn beside his ex girlfriend Bruna Marquezina. Precisely with her it appears in a fun video gone up to the social network Instagram in which it can him see participating in a fun "mannequin challenge".

This fashion in which it appears a group of people beside a same song in pose "frozen". That is the grace of a video that already have made crowd of teams and famous sportsmen.

Neymar Embraced beside Bruna

In the video that us atañe in question, "Ney" appears embraced to which was his exnovia Bruna Marquezine and are focused until thrice. All this occurred in the party of Nochevieja that made before putting course to the FC Barcelona.