The crack of the Barça surprises

Neymar Júnior Puts to proof his spectacular puntería

Published:8/01/2017 - 00:14h

Updated:8/01/2017 - 00:14h

The forward of the FC Barcelona subjected to a challenge of the Japanese television resembled the ones of Messi and Suárez. In his case, had to confront to the Japanese Shinji Okazaki in a spectacular exercise where Neymar showed his big puntería

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To the equal that did Leo Messi and Luis Suárez recently, Neymar Júnior also subjected to a challenge of the Japanese television. In his cas ofue of individual form and having to confront to the international Japanese Shinji Okazaki, forward of the Leicester City.

Neymar Accepted a challenge in which it had to put to proof his puntería through the "Volley Shooting Challenge". And the star of the FC Barcelona finish going out as victorious of the proof.

The rules to participate were simple: it was necessary to tighten a button, head to the frontal of the area and expect to a balloon centred by a machine. Once received, owed atinar in the different targets inside the arch, costing each one distinct points.

Luis Suárez and Leo Messi subjected to another proof

By his part, the proof in which they participated Suárez and Messi was of collective form. In the nicknamed "Catchball" had to happen the spherical one to another without that it touched the floor, marking the incredible distance of 56 metres. You can see the video of his proof here.

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