Alejandro Balde en un partido del FC Barcelona


From Araújo to Balde: The five biggest 'bullets' of FC Barcelona

Published:3/11/2023 - 08:21h

Updated:3/11/2023 - 08:22h

Speed is a 'brand' of the house at FC Barcelona, but there are players who stand out above the rest. In 'Barça Reservat' they have recently revealed the five footballers who lead the ranking

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona always has characterised for having players that are able to go in career, escape of his mark and plant in the rival area with a lot of ease. It has been a constant along the history and, although they are not between the swiftest of LaLiga, there are several footballers that are standing out by the rapidity that print in the played and that they are a puff of cool air for Xavi Hernández and company.

In a recent edition of 'Barça Reservat', podcast of Catalonia Ràdio, have mentioned to the five players that are being the swiftest in the group of the City Condal, according to a series of data that are analysed during the trainings in the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper and that, later, are moved to the terrain of game. They have existed several surprises.

Surprises in the Barça

As they have aimed, the data are collected by the device that use the footballers during the trainings. The GPS collect all the related with the speed in tip, fatigue or pulsaciones that go registando during the sessions and that allow to have to the staff technical and medical body an idea of which is the limit of each footballer, how much can 'force it' and, more important still, when and how much need to rest.

Although they do not have desvelado the concrete data, yes has trascended who are the protagonists of the 'top 5'. It is not a surprise that lead it Alejandro Balde that, although in this season is offering a much more opaque version and moved away to which dazzled in his first season in the elite, is being one of the players with which greater ease crosses the terrain of game of tip to tip.

Ronald Araújo has remained with the second square. It is a central extremely fast and that also has seen him displace in the terrain of game with a lot of ease. It benefits , besides, that it is a very difficult player to detain. In the third and fourth position have appeared the two extremes, Ferran Torres and Raphinha whereas in the fifth square has remained Jules Koundé.

The most surprising data of Raphinha

The Brazilian, as they have highlighted in Catalonia Ràdio, is the footballer that more sprints has in the Barça. They highlighted that, in his last party before lesionarse, against the Seville to finals of September, made 20 of high speed before abandoning the terrain of game to the 37 minutes by physical problems. It is not a secret for anybody that the player, in a lot of occasions, costs of his speed to impose . And almost always it attains it.

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