Rafinha Alcántara in a training of recovery in Barcelona | FCB


Rafinha Alcántara reappears in the Sportive City of the Barça

Published:22/03/2019 - 22:37h

Updated:22/03/2019 - 22:37h

It does some months went back him to touch separate of the first team of the FC Barcelona, but little by little, Rafinha Alcántara about new to the terrains of game. The Brazilian has initiated another phase in the recovery of his injury in the knee, and has gone back to appear in the Sportive City

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It began the campaign 2018-19 like a disclosure in the FC Barcelona, but in hardly some months had to face another capital discontent. Rafinha Alcántara broke the ligament crossed previous of the left knee in a party against the Athletic of Madrid in Wanda Metropolitan, and to finals of November said goodbye to the season. Now, after a lot of work, begins to see again the light at the end of the tunnel.

It is not the first time that the Brazilian confronts to an injury of this magnitude, but yes has been one of the most painful. When the opportunity in the first Barcelona began to confirm , the physical problems went back to do his apparition, and separated him completely of the plans of Ernesto Valverde. As he same explained, does not put terms, but the normal would be that it was not smart until the summer.

In this time 'to the shadow', the one of Sao Paulo has exercised in solitary, moved away of the bustle that is leaving the course for his mates and arropado by the affection of his gathered. The mental strength and the optimism that characterise to the canterano have been keys in this delicate initial phase, and will receive another impulse in which it is about to to initiate.

As it informs the newspaper 'ACE', the midfield player will begin in brief to work in the Sportive City, by which already has happened in a week in which there are international commitments. After several months, encara the equator his process of recovery and directs to the end, what could mean that it step the lawn again in the last months of the season.

Rafinha And the Barça will have to decide again his future

The arrival of the summer will have prize for a Rafinha that could be recovered, but that it will have to determine once again his future. The youngster has left clear whenever they have asked him that now it is centred in triumphing in the Barça, but has not renounced to look for the life far of which always has been his house. Quality has to spare to do it, because his perspectives are not the best.

The medullary of the Catalan group is putting very expensive, since, in addition to Sergio Busquets, Ivan Rakitic, Arthur, Arturo Vidal and Carles Aleñá, in some months will incorporate Frenkie of Jong, that comes to be key piece in the diagrams culés. It is necessary to add to the sportive planning that in the economic is the last market in which it will be able to him take out party to a possible sale, if it is that it does not decide renew an agreement that expires in 2020. Arrived the moment, will touch to negotiate, but the most important now is that the minor of the Alcántara park the injuries once and for all.

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