Rafinha Alcántara in a training of the FC Barcelona | FCB


Rafinha Already runs on the lawn of the Sportive City of the Barça

Published:18/04/2019 - 16:50h

Updated:18/04/2019 - 16:50h

It carries some months separated by injury and still remain him some more to go back to play, but Rafinha Alcántara has good news. The Brazilian has left see in the Sportive City of the FC Barcelona, where already shares with illusion some careers on the lawn

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The season 2018-19 has not been at all easy in this sense, but does some weeks that the FC Barcelona has achieved to put brake to the injuries. In the infirmary of the Catalan group, for the moment, only are Rafinha Alcántara and Thomas Vermaelen, although in these days, as it has happened him in the last years, the midfield player goes back to smile after long.

The one of Sao Paulo broke the ligament crossed previous of the left knee to finals of November, in a party against the Athletic of Madrid in Wanda Metropolitan in which it attained to resist on the terrain of game before confirming the unpleasant news. It has suffered three serious problems in this zone in the last three campaigns, but like many of his mates stand out often, has a mientalidad of iron.

After assuming another hard hit for his career, the crack put hands to the work, and after going through the operating theatre, initiated a slow and demanding process of recovery. Weeks backwards, announced that it had finish the first phase and that in brief would go back to gather with his mates, and that it would be more usual to see him go through the changing room.

Still it remains a time so that it show in the sessions of the group, but Rafinha already works in the Sportive City culé. This is a symptom that the feelings are positive, and more attending to the message that shared this Wednesday with his followers in the social networks. "Oh, glory, lights after the storm", aimed, adding a video in which it already can him see doing career on the lawn.

In spite of that these are, clearly, good news, the canterano warned does not do too much that it does not want to precipitate, and that probably do not play more in this campaign. His aspirations go through to recover rhythm and level and go back to the collective trainings, of face to be smart for the summer and can make without more setbacks the pre-season 2019-20.

See this publication in Instagram

Oh glory✨ lights after the storm.

A publication shared of Rafinha Alcantara (@rafalcantara) the17 Abr, 2019 to the 8:33 PDT

Rafinha Has to decide his future a year more

After being more was that inside it does hardly some months, in the window estival Rafinha will have to decide his future a year more. His agreement expires in June of 2020, by what in January would be free to negotiate his exit to cost zero. The Brazilian will seat with the Barça to determine if there will be a gap in the staff for him with opportunities to play, something that always has demanded, or if, by the contrary, has to look for the minutes in another team of first level.

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