Nélson Semedo In a party with the Wolverhampton


Semedo reveals how his departure from Barça really was

Published:2/03/2021 - 12:38h

Updated:2/03/2021 - 15:26h

Nélson Semedo spoke in an interview about how he left FC Barcelona. The Portuguese remembered his time there and also referred to Leo Messi and how it was to share a dressing room with him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Nélson Semedo Spoke with the newspaper 'The Telegraph' on his past in the FC Barcelona and Leo Messi. The Portuguese, that left the Camp Nou the past summer to leave to the Wolverhampton, happened three years in the Barça, but never arrived to fulfil with the expectations that there was around him. It expected that it was the natural substitute of Dani Alves, but not even attained to settle in the right-handed side and Sergi Roberto ate him the toast in a lot of moments.

The luso recognised that it was the own club the one who opened him the door of exit and that did not doubt in leaving to the Premier League. "In the football all can happen, but surprised me when they said me that it could go out. It was a big decision come to the Wolves. No I thought it to me twice", affirmed. The carrilero explained, besides, the reasons that gave him from the group barcelonista so that it looked for a traspaso.


"When I went back on holiday, I went to Barcelona with my family and speak with the club as it is normal. They explained me that had economic problems and that I was one of the players by which the club could take out money. There were many in this same position like Suárez, Vidal or Rakitic. With the Covid-19, all the clubs have financial problems. No longer they are so strong to the not being able to have followers in the stadium. In Barcelona, the people could not go in neither in the museum", stood out.

On the other hand, it referred to what meant to train with Leo Messi each day and explained a curious anecdote of the '10'. "I do not have words to describe the well that it is. Besides, you know what does him more incredible? That never I saw him throw faults in the trainings in all the time that was in Barcelona. Never it did it. The rest always practised but Messi never launched a fault. For him, it was something that went out him natural. It is an incredible player, is inexplicable", said, surrendering to him.

Semedo, that always had a good relation with the rosarino, even admitted that the forward did that the good players seemed bad to his side. "In one of my first parties in the Barcelona, took the balloon and went of until five players. Inconscientemente, was in the field and thought: 'How can this type do this? It does that the good players seem bad...'", it kidded.

Semedo, happy in the Wolverhampton

Finally, it stood out the happy that is in the Wolves and the surprised that remained with how is the club inside. "It has been a very good experience and east is a club with good ambitions and good players. Sincerely, the Wolves surprised me by the organisation, the structure of the club and the form to be of the team. Already it knew that the team had good players but is better of what had imagined me", finalised.

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