Sergiño Dest In a training


Sergiño Dest: "I can learn a lot from the best player in the world"

Published:13/10/2020 - 17:36h

Updated:14/10/2020 - 03:08h

The new youngster incorporation to the right-handed lane of the FC Barcelona, Sergiño Dest, declared, in press conference, that can learn a lot of one of his idols: Messi

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sergiño Dest, the first North American in debuting with the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona is conscious of the big opportunity that is living, when playing in the group blaugrana, at the side of Lionel Messi. In a press conference, the born player in Low Countries was questioned on his election of fichar by a so big club as it is the Barça, to so early age, between other things.

"I dreamed with this all the time and now have the opportunity to play in a so big club like the Barça, want to take advantage of it, learn a lot of things of these players, because it is a really good team. The best player of the world is here and can learn a lot of them. I seat that, if I am with the best players, is easier to develop me. And, besides, I can learn Spanish", answered with several arguments Sergiño.

The maturity of the footballer is the one who can truncate his development in a so big team like the Catalan, and no his age. It seems that the lateral youngster has the head on his shoulders and admits that it faces the challenge: "a lot of people says that it would have come me well a year more in the Ajax to develop me, but seat that they like me the challenges. In the Barça will develop me because I will see what have to improve. It is a big challenge for me play with the best players of the world".

Also it was asked after his relation with Ronald Koeman, the technician of the FC Barcelona, that, in his moment, treated to convince him so that it played for the Low Countries: "it did not go at all uncomfortable, in this moment said him honestly that it wanted to follow playing for the selection of United States. It is not his fault and keep a good relation".

The ambition without limits of Sergiño Dest

Recently, as we commented before, the exjugador of the Ajax turned into the first player of United States of the Barça in contesting a meeting. It seems that this no him presiona for nothing: "No only I want to this, want to be the first in doing something magnificent in this club, am very proud and do not seat this pressure. I will work hard to attain big things".

Konrad de la Fuente, the another integral of the 'pair Yankee' of the team culé, saw like the new signing stole him the attainment by which had struggled during several years in the inferior categories of the club. There is not grudge between them, in fact, are inseparable and are two of the future stars of a selection that pretends to be important in the next sportive events to world-wide level.

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