Neymar, fundamental piece of the PSG


The "gustazo" sportive that has given Neymar to himself same

Published:24/02/2021 - 18:18h

Updated:24/02/2021 - 18:18h

Neymar Jr Has boasted in the social networks of his last big personal whim, showing the basketball court and the mural decorated that installed in his home

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Neymar Jr, current player of the Paris Saint-Germian and exfutbolista of the Barcelona, never has hid his extravagant personality and his eccentricity, peculiarities that shows with his form to dress and his material goods. In this sense, recently, the Brazilian star boasted in the social networks of his last big whim.

It treats of a basketball court that the same has installed in his home, which has come accompanied of a mural decorated with the faces of several personalities of the NBA. As it is very known, Neymar is a fanatical of this sport and thus it has wanted to give a space to practise the same, related also with the players that admires,

In the mural can see the faces of several protagonists of the North American basketball. Of left to right, the faces correspond to the ones of Jimmy Buttler, Stephen Curry, Lebron James, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Draymond Green, sporty admired by Neymar, with which has had the luck to share, in some cases.

This gustazo artistic that Neymar gave to himself same was work of his compatriot Carlos Eduardo Fernandez, known in the world of the urban culture like "Kobra". The same won fame from 2016, when it made the grafiti bigger of the world, in pro of incentivar the inauguration of the Olympic games of Rio de Janeiro

The eccentricity of Neymar

Neymar Is one of the better players paid of the planet, by what has of the bottoms to give some extravagant tastes and near at hand of few people in the world. According to a note of the newspaper "The Herald", the Brazilian star has reflected his economic and particular power taste in shopping like a yacht of 8 million dollars of price and to the that has to make him a maintenance of 120 million dollars to the year.

On the other hand, the cars and the clocks have been others of the investments that the exjugador of the Barcelona has done with more freedom. According to the information in question, Neymar would have spent some 400 million dollars in a vehicle Porsche Panamera Turbo and a collection of 16 copies of the mark Gaga Milano, regarding clocks, with a value of 180 "kilos".

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