Ousmane Dembélé Follows recovering of the relapse that suffered the past month of February, a break of the rendón proximal of the biceps femoral of which was operated with a period estimated of drop of six months. Next August, the 'mosquito' could be prepared to hammer again, but for the moment touches him follow working to be able to be to the one hundred by one hundred physically.

His public apparitions since it operated have been frankly reduced, but this week has conceded a curious interview for the official television of the FC Barcelona in which it has subjected to the test 'impossible Decisions', that consists in giving him to choose between two hypothetical situations and ask after him which of the two would prefer to live if it did not have any option.

"Not being able to move during a week or not speaking during six months?", they asked him of start, to what answered: "Not being able to move me. Be quiet six months is impossible". "A year without video games or a month without seeing to anybody that know?", it went another of the questions, to which answered: "A year without video games". Besides, it ensured that it prefers can travel to the past that to the future, and would go to "Evreux, to my house".

"You prefer to remain blocked in a telesilla five hours or shut in an elevator a complete day?", it followed the test, to what the French answered that it would prefer the option of the telesilla. Also it recognised that it does not like him at all be cold when they asked him if it preferred "to live in the Pole North or in the desert", by what decanted clearly for living in the desert.

Also it went in some sportive subject when they did him choose between "marking a goal in the last minute of the party or a hat trick" and, in this occasion, Dembélé opted by quantity more than by quality, preferring annotate three so many before that one agónico. "You prefer to have ten children or any?", it went another of the questions, to what the '11' culé answered that "I want to have a team of children. But no complete. Would have a lot of problems".

Another was "to Be young during all the life in the half age or be old all the life nowadays?", and Dembélé opted by the youth more than by the current time, adding that in this éoca "would be a warrior". "Not having to sleep or can speak all the tongues of the world?", it went the following, to which answered: "Can speak all the tongues of the world".

More questions that pillaron to Dembélé by surprise

Dembélé Would prefer to not to complain never that be complaining always and be silent before that noisy since, when they asked him if it would prefer "to Have to speak always strong or always whispering?", it answered that "whispering... If no, it would do to anger to a lot of people". Besides, they asked him "you Prefer that the time happen one hundred slower times when you sleep or or one hundred faster times when you are awake?", being "one hundred faster times awake" his reply.

One of the questions that more surprised to the extreme culé was: "Have the long legs like fingers or long fingers like legs?". "Have the long legs like fingers", answered, after thinking it, adding "Go questions!". To finish, gave him to choose between not being able to access to internet or not listening music never more. "Not listening music never more", finalised.