Rafinha Alcántara in a party of the FC Barcelona


The knees rack to Rafinha Alcántara: Three grave injuries in three years

Published:25/11/2018 - 23:04h

Updated:26/11/2018 - 01:25h

It seemed that the hit against the Athletic of Madrid could arrive in the classification, but finish arriving in shape of injuries. Rafinha Alcántara will lose what remains of season by a problem in the knee, his big enemy in his attempt to consolidate in the FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Shortly after having jumped to the lawn in replacement of Sergi Roberto, many threw the hands in command when seeing limp to Rafinha Alcántara, but the Brazilian held to the end of the Athletic of Madrid-FC Barcelona and everything seemed to have remained in a fright. However, the Sunday has arrived with bad news for the culés, and is that the canterano will be several months out of fight.

The medical proofs to which has been subjected in the City Condal have confirmed the enésimo blow for the one of Sao Paulo, that has broken the ligament crossed previous of the left knee and will have to go through the operating theatre. Although it has not estimated the time of drop, in ailments of this magnitude the recovery is used to to be around the six months, what would leave him went for the rest of the course.

It gives the circumstance that it is not the first time that the knees play a bad past to the midfield player, whose ordeal started in 2015. In the month of September, in a clash of Champions against the Rome, a hard entrance of Radja Nainggolan also finish with his options, because in this case it produced exactly the same mishap but in the articulation of the right leg.

They were 202 days of drop until it could go back to feel footballer, but this did not go to be the last discontent that went him to touch face. In April of 2017 was the meniscus of the right knee the one who failed against the Granada, what supposed another operation and another long period of gymnasium, specific exercises and life far of the terrains of game. 290 days more seeing the lawn in the distance.

The mental fortress of Rafinha, his salvation

After some months yielded in the Inter of Milan and a summer agitated, Rafinha went back to the Barça with intention to consolidate in the first team, and was attaining to feel important until the injuries went back to cross in his way. To his father and representative, Mazinho, does not like him the irregularity to which his son sees subjected in the Camp Nou, but the own player asked him calm and was entirely engaged with the Barcelona cause.

Now, it will have to expect again to know if it is allocated to triumph in the team of his life or has to undertake a new way, although there is an ally that can be decisive for his explosion in the football of elite. Further of the quality that treasure his boots, the Brazilian has a mentality of iron, that has been put to proof in the last years and that always has allowed him go back with more strength. The fans, the mates, the technicians and all the employees of the club do not go him to shelve, and already remains a day less to go back to see him on the green.

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