Very near to renew his agreement with the FC Barcelona, to Andrés Iniesta no goes through him the head the idea to go out out of Spain to play to football. The captain of the Barcelona group left clear this premise in a corresponding advertising act to the company of knives Arches, of which is image from four years ago. The half does not pose accept any ofrecimiento that can arrive of the Chinese, although it was mareante.

"Each one is owner of his future and of his decision", began saying when being asked after the last madnesses made by several teams of the Asian country, that are popping the market balompédico. The own Andrés left clear, between laughs that does not have any offer.

"They have not called me. In fact, I do not have interpreter", ironizó of form comic the footballer, achieving that the presents also esbozasen some that another smile. This yes, does not judge to others like Carlos Tévez that accepted a recent offer that will leave him like the player that more money earns of the world:  "All the decisions are respectable, each one has his wish and his opinion".

The "Chinese madnesses" do to think it to more than one, says Iniesta

This yes, the quantity of money that leave in the arks of the footballers these Chinese teams in the last times do that many can it to him even think. "But it is true that they are offers and situations that to any human being do him think: each one tries to decide the future where thinks that has to be, but to day of today do not think in any another type of country", concluded.