The newcastle would be had to bid strong by his signing

The Newcastle, interested in Sandro

The Newcastle, interested in the signing of Sandro Ramírez

Published:22/01/2016 - 13:15h

Updated:1/03/2016 - 11:26h

From England say that the Newcastle, that has not attained to arrive to an agreement with the Tottenham for the incorporation during the present market of winter of Townsend, would have showed now some interest for doing with the services of Sandro Ramírez

Calendar of FC Barcelona
As it has published in the last hours "The Guardian", the Newcastle of Steve McLaren wishes to reinforce his flank of attack during the market of winter and, after they do not have fructificado the contacts with the Tottenham for doing with the services of Andros Townsend, Sandro Ramírez could be now the elected by the British trainer to reinforce the staff of the "magpies".

It fits to remember that the Tottenham already showed does some weeks interest also for doing with the signing of Sandro Ramírez, but finally threw backwards to the not being satisfied with the will of the FC Barcelona to deposit to the player a clause of repurchase of face to future seasons, that would do very easy the return of the Canarian to the Barça in the case that finally it exploded like footballer and began to surrender to big level. The case is that, cancelled the Tottenham, the Newcastle would show now like a good option so that the player follow progressing and have of minutes.

Sandro Ramírez practically is not having opportunities of game since it Burn Turan and Aleix Vidal can play to the orders of Luis Enrique, and has seen surpassed in the rotation by Munir The Haddadi. Without minutes, his evolution futbolística does increasingly difficult, and the FC Barcelona does not want that the Canarian stagnate , by what would have decided traspasarle with option of repurchase or yield him as long as finally it arrive a new offensive reinforcement to the staff culé.

In this point, Luis Enrique would be slope of the arrival of Nolito to leave escape to Sandro Ramírez, that has several options in the market when can go traspasado to the Newcastle or to some another team of the Premier League, being able to leave yielded besides to the Real Betis until the term of the present season, where would purchase minutes of quality in the League BBVA and could develop all his potentialities. This yes, if a thing is clear, is that the Barça will not leave him leave until it do not confirm officially the signing of Nolito or the arrival of Denis Suárez.

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