Several teams of the English league have put his eyes in sandro, the last the swansea Welsh

The Premier follows "rifándose" to Sandro

The Premier League follows "rifándose" to Sandro Ramírez

Published:24/01/2016 - 12:04h

Updated:1/03/2016 - 11:20h

In the last hours has appeared another English group very interested in the contracting of the Canarian forward of the FC Barcelona that joins to other teams Premier like the Newcastle or the Tottenham. It treats of a Swansea that needs urgently a leading centre

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It seems that in spite of not explaining a lot for Luis Enrique and of have not showed still at all in the professional football, the youngster canterano of the FC Barcelona Sandro Ramírez has a lot of followers far of Barcelona, especially in the British islands. From there they have arrived in the last weeks a lot of rumours of teams that have put his eyes in hiring his services, the last is the Swansea.

The Welsh team needs a forward that help him in his fight for evading the descent and has to the Canarian in his diary of futuribles. A list where, as they aim the newspaper "Sport" the one who does echo of the news, also appear other leading youngsters like Gregoire Defrel of the Sassuolo or Scott Sinclair of Aston Villa.

Therefore the Swansea adds to the bidding that other two English teams seem to follow to explain finally with the forward formed in the Masia. The Newcastle had been the last team in showing his interest for doing with his services, to the equal that the Tottenham of Mauritius Pochettino that it comes him following from does time and that was about to ficharlo, but a clause of Barcelona repurchase seem to be that it avoided the operation.

Beside the English interest, Sandro also has been seen with good eyes by part of the Betis Balompié. The Andalusians asked to Robert Fernández by the situation of the attacker when Pepe Mel was still trainer verdiblanco. Although they still do not have fichado to his substitute, the contracting of the Ramírez could be tackled equally in shape of cession until finalising the season. By his part, neither the player neither his agent have pronounced in this regard of his future.

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