The rest of the warrior, that call it some, was what lived the past Friday the forward of the FC Barcelona and the selection of Uruguay Luis Suárez. After having done well his work and have collaborated in the victory by two to one on Ecuador, the international celestial had his deserved prize in shape of free day beside his more wanted beings. 

Like this then , in a photography that went up to his profile of Instagram could him see beside his daughter Delfina, enjoying of his affection and making some handicrafts. "After the big triumph of yesterday, to enjoy of my dwarf!", it wrote the "artilleryman" beside the tender image.

And it is that the prize was very deserved as the selection charrúa already dances second in the Classification for the World-wide of Russia 2018 with 23 points, a situation of tranquility and that leaves them very near of the next appointment mundialista. Thus that Tabárez had this gesture with his pupilos.

The "gunman" appreciated it of heart since his family has accompanied him this time in the trip. As it could see the past Thursday, all they assisted to the duel that took place in Montevideo and encouraged to his dad. A family joined that leaves instantaneous so tender like this: