Ousmane Dembélé, making a dribbling against the Huesca


The virtuosity of Riqui Puig and Dembélé, the best of the Barça in the first time in front of the Huesca

Published:13/04/2019 - 17:10h

Updated:13/04/2019 - 17:11h

The first part of the Huesca-Barcelona did not go especially showy, and although both teams tried to approach to the contrary area, there were not occasions stood out. Riqui Puig and Dembélé were two of the most active players of the combined culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Huesca And FC Barcelona left with 0-0 in the marker to the term of the first 45 minutes of game, after starring a first act in which they did not give clear occasions of goal by part of any of the two teams, to exception of a finish of Ousmane Dembélé that diverted Santamaría to corner, and of a finish of head of Murillo that the goalkeeper oscense went back to counter.

They were the two only opportunities of the FC Barcelona to advance in the electronic, although the most positive was the fact of not suffering in defence in front of the intentonas of the Huesca, very defended by the atypical defence culé -Umtiti, Todibo and Murillo in the saga, with Malcom and Wagué of carrileros-, and by a Ter Stegen that hardly had to take part in the game.

It could say, in fact, that the best for the FC Barcelona in the first time were the details of technical virtuosity of Riqui Puig and Ousmane Dembélé. In the minute 15 of party, the young Catalan midfield player put an assistance measured and of big technical quality to leave only to the French attacker, that did not hit to the hour to define in front of the goalkeeper.

Minutes later, Riqui Puig starred also a fast driving with the balloon hit to the feet to try break lines to the contragolpe, although it finish losing the balloon. Regarding Dembélé, went the point of reference in the front of attack culé, the one who commissioned to distribute the ball in the played of attack, and the one who contributed something of spark in front of the static version of Boateng.

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Dembélé, with his movements, dribblings and passes to the space, showed that it already is fully recovered of the injury that separated him during more than a month of the first team of the FC Barcelona. Fortunately, this party in front of the Huesca will serve him to film of face to the turn of chambers of the Champions League against the Manchester United, split in which it expects that it finish having of minutes.

Simultaneously to the performance of Riqui Puig and Dembélé, also would be necessary to stand out to a Todibo that acted with criterion in defence, cutting attacks and taking out the balloon from backwards, although it won a yellow innocent when trying brake a contragolpe. Good minutes in general for a Barça solid in The Alcoraz. The only that was missing passed the first 45 minutes was the goal.

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